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Agricultural Law

Major: Law
Code of Subject: 6.081.01.E.89
Credits: 4
Department: Civil Law and Procedure
Lecturer: N. Zabolotna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know: place and role of the agrarian law in the system of law of Ukraine; normative legal acts regulating social agrarian relations; main subjects of agrarian economy, especially their legal status; content, forms and methods of state regulation of agriculture; features of the legal regime of agricultural lands; forms of agricultural land use; peculiarities of agricultural labor; financial and other mechanisms of support of the agricultural commodity producer; essence of the principle of priority of social development of the village; concept and type of legal liability for violations of agrarian legislation, etc.
To be able to: independently solve problems at seminary classes, correctly applying the provisions of normative legal acts, while defining the types of legal relationships; be able to apply in production practice regulatory legal acts of land, agrarian, etc. legislation.
Required prior and related subjects:
Theory of state and law;
Сonstitutional law;
Civil law;
Land law.
Summary of the subject:
The aim and objectives of the program are to acquire students theoretical knowledge in the field of regulation of agrarian relations, and includes the question of the concept, subject, method and system of agrarian law, subjects and objects of agricultural rights, the right of citizenship membership in agricultural enterprises of a cooperative type, farms , ownership of agricultural enterprises of different forms of ownership, legal regulation of organization, payment and discipline of labor in agricultural enterprises, etc., the formation of them is practical their skills and skills in solving problems that arise in the process of realization of the norms of land law.
Recommended Books:
1. Ahrarne pravo Ukrainy: Pidruchnyk. / V. Z. Yanchuk, V. I. Andreitsev, S. F. Vasyliuk ta inshi: Za red. V. Z. Yanchuka. – 2-e vyd., pererob. ta dopov. – K.: Yurinkom Inter, 2000. – 720 s.
2. Ahrarnoe, zemelnoe y эkolohycheskoe pravo Ukraynы. Obshchye chasty uchebnыkh kursov. Uchebnoe posobye. Pod redaktsyei dokt. yuryd. nauk, professora Pohrebnoho A.A. y kand. yuryd. nauk, dotsenta Karakasha Y.Y. – Kh.: OOO “Odyssei”, 2000. – 368 s.
3. Andreitsev, V.I. Zemelne pravo i zakonodavstvo suverennoi Ukrainy: aktualni problemy praktychnoi teorii / V.I. Andreitsev; KNUTSh, Yurydychnyi f-t; Yevraziiska asotsiatsiia pravnychykh shkil ta pravnykiv; Tsentr pravnychoi dopomohy ta doslidzhen. - 2-he vyd., vypravl. - Kyiv: Znannia, 2007. - 450s.
4. Vozniak R.P. Zemelno-kadastrovyi protses: navch.posibnyk / R.P. Vozniak, M.H. Stupen, I.M. Padliak. – 2-he vyd., ster. – L.: Novyi Svit-2000, 2007. – 224 s.
5. Hurevskyi V.K. Pravo pryvatnoi vlasnosti hromadian Ukrainy na zemli silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia: Monohrafiia.- Odesa: Astro Prynt, 2000.
6. Dolynska M.S. Poriadok stvorennia, zemlekorystuvannia ta diialnist fermerskykh hospodarstv Ukrainy: navchalno- praktychnyi posibnyk. – Lviv: LIuI, – 2005 . – 192 s.
7. Dolynska M.S. Fermerski hospodarstva Ukrainy: Zemlekorystuvannia, poriadok stvorennia, diialnist ta prypynennia diialnosti. Kharkiv, “Straid”, – 2005. – 264 s.
8. Zhushman V.P. Ahrarne pravo ta zakonodavstvo Ukrainy: Navchalno-praktychnyi posibnyk. Vydannia druhe, dopovnene ta pereroblene. Kh.: TOV “Odissei”, 2004.
9. Zemelne pravo: Pidruchnyk dlia studentiv yurydychnykh spetsialnostei vyshchykh navchalnykh zakladiv / Za red. V.I.Semchyka i P.F.Kulynycha. – K.: Vydavnychyi Dim “In Yure”, 2001. – 424 s.
10. Ilnytska N.V. Orenda zemel silskohospodarskoho pryznachennia: pravovi aspekty: Avtoref.dys…kand. yuryd.nauk: 12.00.06/ Ins-t derzhavy i prava im.V.M.Koretskoho.-Kyiv, 2001.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Validated oral interviews at practical (seminar) classes; Speech on practical (seminar) classes (with essay, report, discussion, etc., written control work (answers to questions of a lecture course, solving practical tasks, exercises, etc.), protection of individual tasks, homework assignment.