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Foreign Language I, part 1

Major: International Information
Code of Subject: 6.291.02.O.1
Credits: 6
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Martsihiv K.R., Stolyarchyk L.B., Havran M. I.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the study learners are expected to be able to:
• maintain a conversation on familiar study and specialism-related topics, expressing and exchanging opinions and factual information on study-related events;
• demonstrate understanding of clear and simple notices, including details on warning, announcements and instructions in academic and job-related events;
• make arrangements on the telephone in academic or professional environment, including getting connected, leaving and taking messages, provided the interlocutor’s speech is clearly articulated in a generally familiar accent;
• make public presentations on a number of general issues in the political, economic and cultural spheres using appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication;
• write e-mails for educational purposes conveying simple straightforward information of immediate relevance /close to academic environment and everyday life;
• write forum posts and comments, expressing their own opinion and commenting on other opinions, agreeing/disagreeing on what can be found in social media and virtual learning environment;
• fill in correctly application and registration forms for accommodation and \ or for a conference with an appropriate degree of accuracy and adequacy
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites: The level of knowledge A2-B1
Corequisites: Ukranian Language.
Summary of the subject:
Forming individual and social problems facing society. Issues. The period of stagnation. (Getting to Know Each Other. Ideal Flatmates. Personality, Describing Daily Life and Learning Experience. Feelings. DVD according theme. The youth charities. Types of problems and their solutions. Types of observation in the modern world. View video on "The formula of happiness." Computer games and their impact on identity formation. Control of knowledge testing). Stories. Ideas: the modern researches of society. (Developing skimming and scanning skills: extracting main and detailed information. Distinguishing between factual/ non-factual, important/ less important. Listening for main and detailed information. Travelling in the life of young people. Perceptions language listening for general and specific information. Intellectual games. Watching video on the topic. The role of morality. Its essence. Secrets to success. Life stories of prominent people. Reading as means of enriching a person's world. Modern inventions of mankind. Advertising products. New ideas geniuses of mankind. Your attitude).
Recommended Books:
1. Eales F. Oakes Fr. Speakout. Upper Intermediate. Pearson / Longman, 2012. – 175 p.
2. Eales F. Oakes Fr. Speakout. WorkBook Upper Intermediate. Pearson / Longman, 2012. – 96 p.
3. Кострицька С.І., Зуєнок І.І., Швець О.Д, Поперечна Н.В.. Англійська мова для навчання і роботи: підручник для студ. вищ. навч. закл.: у 4 т. Т. 1. Спілкування в соціальному, академічному та професійному середовищах = English for Study and Work: Coursebook in 4 books. Book 1 Socialising in Academic and Professional Environment / С.І. Кострицька, І.І.
4. Зуєнок, О.Д. Швець, Н.В. Поперечна; М-во освіти і науки України, Нац. гірн. ун-т. – Дніпропетровськ : НГУ, 2015. – 162 с.
5. Azar, B.S (999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education – 437p.
6. Comfort, J. (1996) Effective Telephoning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 126 p.
7. Ellis, M. and Nina O’Driscoll (1992) Socialising. Longmann. – 129 p.
8. Evans, V. (2005) Round Up 6. English Grammar Book. Longman.
9. Getting on in English (Upper Intermediate). За ред. І.Байбакової, О.Гасько, М.Федоришина, Львів – 2009.
10. Murphy R., English Grammar in Use. CEF Level: B1 Intermediate - B2 High Intermediate. Cambridge University Press.
11. Quick Placement Test (2001) Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 26 p.
12.Dignen, B. (2013). Communicating across Cultures. Cambridge University Press. 203p.
13.Турчин Д.Б.Англійська мова для міжнародних відносин. [Підручник]. Вінниця: Нова книга. 2018. 256 с.
14.Hewings M. (2013). Advanced grammar in use. CUP. 2013. 295 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: listening, monologic and dialogic speech, reading, writing. Control test.

Final control: differentiated test/credit.

The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Total for the discipline 100
Classroom work 70
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Test 25
Individual written task 25
Self-study 30
Exercises from textbooks. 5
Lexical and grammatical tests in Virtual Educational Environment (VEE) 5
Extracurricular reading. 5
Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary. 5
Monologic speech.. 5
Dialogic speech. 5