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Foreign Language I, part 5

Major: International Information
Code of Subject: 6.291.02.O.53
Credits: 4
Department: Foreign Languages
Lecturer: Vilkhovchenko N.P.
Semester: 5 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
By the end of the study learners are expected to be able to:
• apply lexical units according to the topic and in accordance with the curriculum for the second year of studies;
• know the typology of English texts (newspaper/magazine reports and articles, agendas, formal and informal letters, discursive compositions);
• use grammar structures related to the topic effectively;
• apply knowledge about the system of English sounds, intonation; acquire and develop listening-comprehension skills required to understand authentic language in live situations;
• use professional vocabulary according to the curriculum.
• actively participate in communication;
• read literary and scientific papers in original (English);
• understand the topics according to the curriculum with the use of specialized vocabulary;
• translate grammar constructions into English and into Ukrainian.
• Express one’s ideas in writing (with the use of active vocabulary according to the topics from the curriculum).
Required prior and related subjects:
Prerequisites:The level of knowledge В1+
Corequisites: Ukrainian language for professional purposes.
Summary of the subject:
Topic: Global society: globalization, economic integration, foreign trade, tourism, human migration, foreign aid, investments. Topic: International relations: international relations, international organization, UN, European Union, NATO.
Recommended Books:
1 TurchynD.B. EnglishforInternationalRelations / Англійська мова для міжнародних відносин: Educational manual.For higher ed. inst.2d edition / DmytroTurchyn. – Vinnitsa: Nova Knyha, 2011. – 256 p. : il.
2. Fuchs M., Bonner M. Focus on grammar..- Longman, 2000. - 432 p.
3. Pilbeam A. Market Leader: Working Across Cultures/ Pearson / Lohgman Education Limited, 2010. – 96 p.
4. Prodromou L. Grammar and Vocabulary for First Certificate, Pearson / Longman, 2005. – 319 p.
5.R.Murphy. English Grammar in Use. 1995.
6.M.Swan. Practical English Usage. Oxford, 1995.
7.M.Swan, C.Walter. How English works. A Grammar Practice Book.
8. Dignen, B. (2013). Communicating across Cultures. Cambridge University Press. 203p.
9.Турчин Д.Б.Англійська мова для міжнародних відносин. [Підручник]. Вінниця: Нова книга. 2018. 256 с.
10.Hewings M. (2013). Advanced grammar in use. CUP. 2013. 295 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control: listening, monologic and dialogic speech, reading, writing.

Final control: differentiated test/credit.
The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC)
Total for the discipline 100
Classroom work 70:
Listening 5
Reading 5
Speaking 5
Writing 5
Test № 1 25
Test № 2 25
Self-study 30 :
Exercises from textbooks. 5
Lexical and grammatical tests in Virtual Educational Environment (VEE) 5
Extracurricular reading. 5
Vocabulary of educational and special professional vocabulary. 5
Monologic speech 5
Dialogic speech. 5