Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua
Mathematical Modeling in Nuclear Power Engineering
Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of Subject: 6.143.00.O.63
Credits: 4
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: Galyanchuk Igor R.
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result, the discipline, the expert should know:
- the essence and methods of structural analysis heat power objects in nuclear power engineering;
- mathematical models of elements of heat energy systems in nuclear power engineering;
- methodological guidelines for the development and application of mathematical models of heat power of objects in nuclear power engineering.
Prepared specialist should be able to:
- implement structural analysis of typical objects of nuclear power engineering;
- generate mathematical models of typical of objects nuclear power engineering units;
- apply mathematical models in studies of heat power objects in nuclear power engineering.
- the essence and methods of structural analysis heat power objects in nuclear power engineering;
- mathematical models of elements of heat energy systems in nuclear power engineering;
- methodological guidelines for the development and application of mathematical models of heat power of objects in nuclear power engineering.
Prepared specialist should be able to:
- implement structural analysis of typical objects of nuclear power engineering;
- generate mathematical models of typical of objects nuclear power engineering units;
- apply mathematical models in studies of heat power objects in nuclear power engineering.
Required prior and related subjects:
- Higher Mathematics
- Fundamentals Heat Engineering.
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- Heat-mass Exchange.
- Higher Mathematics
- Fundamentals Heat Engineering.
- Engineering Thermodynamics
- Heat-mass Exchange.
Summary of the subject:
The essence and methods of modeling. Objects and application of mathematical modeling in nuclear power engineering. Stationary and dynamic problem. Flow charts energy objects. Energy objects as thermodynamic system. Elements and subsystems thermodynamic systems. Classification of thermodynamic systems. The idealization of the structure, external relations and the individual properties of the object. The idealization of thermodynamic systems. Dimensional, comprehensive and dimensionless parameters. Object and regime parameters. Characteristics of thermodynamic systems. Linear and nonlinear objects. Generators, transmitters and consumers of heat, compressor and motor mixers and dividers flows atmosphere. Thermal subsystems thermodynamic systems. Intrasystem flows (contours, recycling, overflows). Similarity criteria elements and subsystems thermodynamic systems. Calculations of elements and subsystems. Determination of temperature and thermal characteristics. Research form characteristics. Research of influence of changes of internal flows. Research sensitivity to real change. Properties of elements and thermal subsystems thermodynamic systems. Examples of thermal tasks Diagnostics and Prediction. Tasks analysis and synthesis of thermodynamic systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Osnovi teploenergetiki: Navch. posibnik dlya studentiv vischih navchalnih zakladiv energetichnih spetsialnostey / I.G.Shelepov, V.O.Kobrikin, O.B.Guley ta In. Pid red. I.G.Shelepova. – Harkiv: Ukr. Inzh.-ped. Akad.., 2008. – 312s.
2. Ob’ekti teplovih elektrichnih stantsiy. Rezhimi roboti ta ekspluatatsiyi: Navch. Posibnik / Y.S.Misak, Ya.F.Ivasik, P.O.Gut, N.M.Lashkovska. – Lviv: Vid-vo NU «Lvivska politehnika», 2007. – 256s.
3. Chaban O.Y., Galyanchuk I.R. Modeli i rozrahunki elementarnih konvektivnih teploobminnikiv. – V kn.: Visnik DU «Lvivska politehnika», # 365, Teploenergetika. Inzheneriya dovkillya. Avtomatizatsiya. – Lviv: Vid-vo DU «Lvivska politehnika», 1999, s.32-40.
2. Ob’ekti teplovih elektrichnih stantsiy. Rezhimi roboti ta ekspluatatsiyi: Navch. Posibnik / Y.S.Misak, Ya.F.Ivasik, P.O.Gut, N.M.Lashkovska. – Lviv: Vid-vo NU «Lvivska politehnika», 2007. – 256s.
3. Chaban O.Y., Galyanchuk I.R. Modeli i rozrahunki elementarnih konvektivnih teploobminnikiv. – V kn.: Visnik DU «Lvivska politehnika», # 365, Teploenergetika. Inzheneriya dovkillya. Avtomatizatsiya. – Lviv: Vid-vo DU «Lvivska politehnika», 1999, s.32-40.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• Current control (30%): written reports on calculation works, oral examination.
• Final control (70 %, control measure): written-oral form (70%)
• Final control (70 %, control measure): written-oral form (70%)