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Steam Generators of Nuclear Power Plants, part 2

Major: Nuclear Power Engineering
Code of Subject: 6.143.01.E.85
Credits: 4
Department: Heat Engineering and Thermal and Nuclear Power Plants
Lecturer: associate professor, Ph.D. Kuznetsova Marta Yaroslavivna
Semester: 6 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Know:
- hydrodynamic processes in the steam generators of warm water carrier:;
- heat exchange processes in steam generator with water heat carrier: single-phase heat exchange with the environment, heat exchange by changing the physical state of crisis heat returns;
- methods for hydraulic, thermal calculations of steam generator;
- basic methods of strength calculations of elements of steam generators;
- thermal and hydraulic conditions of heat exchange surfaces;
- basis of designing steam generators: methods of thermal, hydrodynamic and structural calculations;
- main modes of operation steam generators: starting, work at nominal load, stop;
- main problems and accidents that occurred during the operation of steam generators.
• Be able to:
- calculate the water regime and implement measures to support;
- make technical and economic analysis to optimize steam generating installations;
- use normative and technical documentation, catalogs.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Higher Mathematics
• Physics
• Сhemistry
• Engineering Thermodynamics
• Heat-mass Exchange
• Hydro-gas Dynamics
• Materials Science
• Steam Generators of Nuclear Power Plants, Part 1
• Нeat and Mass Units of Nuclear Power Plants
• Nuclear Power Plants
Summary of the subject:
Fundamentals of design calculations and steam generators of nuclear power plants. Requirements for the steam generators of nuclear power plants. Types of calculations and tasks steam generators of nuclear power plants. The choice of material for the production steam generators of nuclear power plants. General description of the processes occurring in the steam generators. Hydrodynamics and heat exchange. Physical and chemical processes. The heat exchange in steam generators. Hydrodynamic processes in the steam generators. Thermal and hydrodynamic conditions of heat exchange surfaces. Regularities of transition impurities in the water a couple. Water regime steam generators of nuclear power plants. The calculation of water regime and separation equipment. Construction materials and calculation details steam generators for strength.
Recommended Books:
1. Lukesevich B.I., Trunov N.B., Dragunov Yu.G., Davidenko S.E. Parogeneratoryi reaktornyih ustanovok VVER dlya atomnyih elektrostantsiy.-M.: IKTs «Akademkniga», 2004.-391s.;
2. Chulkin O.O. Teploobminne obladnannya AES. Konspekt lektsiy dlya studentiv i magistriv spetsialnosti «Atomna energetika». – Odessa: Nauka i tehnika, 2005 – 80s.;
3. Trunov N.B., Logvinov S.A., Dragunov Yu.G «Gidrodinamicheskie i teplohimicheskie protsessyi v parogeneratorah AES s VVER» . -M.: Energoatomizdat, 2001 – 354s.
4. Titov V.F., Rassohin N.G., Fedorov V.G. «Parogeneratoryi atomnyih elektrostantsiy» -M.: Atomizdat, 1998g.-390s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (30%): oral examination
• final control(70 %): control measure