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History of Ukrainian State and Culture

Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of Subject: 6.126.02.O.6
Credits: 4
Department: History of Ukraine and Ethnic Communication
Lecturer: Terskyj S.V., profesor
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
Know about the formation and ethnic territory of Ukraine;
Know the national government formation process;
Know the characteristics and patterns of cultural and historical processes in the Ukrainian lands;
Understand the human resistance totalitarian regimes in Ukraine in the twentieth century;
Ability based on available source material and historiographical mooring prepare answers to questions formulated urgency, to make independent findings critically perceive events and phenomena of history.
Understand the national liberation struggle Ukrainian
Understand kulturogeneza development of Ukrainian lands;
Determine the best achievements of Ukrainian culture in the European and global context;
Apply knowledge of the history of Ukrainian culture to form individual courses;
To understand the features and patterns of cultural and historical processes in the Ukrainian lands;
Required prior and related subjects:
Summary of the subject:
The first state formations on the territory of Ukraine Ukrainian statehood Middle Ages Ukrainian Cossack state. Hetman Ukrainian national revolution of 1917-1921. Ukraine during the Second World War Ukraine from Independence until today The theoretical basis of culture Ancient Culture of the Ukrainian lands Ukrainian culture of Middle Ages Renaissance in Ukrainian culture Ukrainian culture Baroque period National cultural revival in the late eighteenth - early XX century. Ukrainian Culture 1917 - 1939 Ukrainian culture mid XX - XXI century.
Recommended Books:
Бойко О. Історія України: навчальний посібник. – Київ, 2005;
Грицак Я. Нариси історії України. Формування модерної української нації ХІХ – ХХ ст. - Київ, 1996;
Історія України / Кер. авт. кол. Ю.Зайцев. – Львів, 2002;
Історія української культури / Хома І.Я., Мина Ж.В., Сова А.О.: за ред І.Я.Хоми. – Львів, 2013. – 356 с.
Яковенко Н. Нарис історії України з найдавніших часів до кінця XVIII століття. — Київ: Генеза, 1997. — 312с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
lectures, workshops, independent work,exam