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Major: Information and Communication Systems
Code of Subject: 6.126.02.M.43
Credits: 3
Department: Ukrainian Language
Lecturer: Horodylovska Halyna Petrivna
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• Become familiar with the achievements of world rhetoric;
• Know the main stages of the formation and development of rhetoric in Ukraine;
• Learn the basic aspects of cultural psychology and speech communication;
• Be able to analyze the features of different forms of communication between people in a team;
• Know the differences between different types of speeches;
• Understand the theoretical foundations of public speaking training;
• Possess skills in meetings, discussions, and speeches;
Required prior and related subjects:
Ukrainian language (for professional purposes)
Summary of the subject:
Basic stages in the development of rhetoric, historical traditions of rhetoric, the status of modern rhetoric, the main aspects of the psychology and culture of language communication, theoretical basis in the preparation of speeches and other public appearances, features of various forms of public or professional business communication.
Recommended Books:
1) Rytoryka: pidruchnyk/ Zoryana Kun'ch, Halyna Horodylovs'ka, Iryna Shmilyk. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2016. – 496 s.
2) Kun'ch Z.Y. Ukrayins'ka rytoryka: Istoriya stanovlennya i rozvytku: Posibnyk dlya studentiv ekonomichnykh ta humanitarnykh spetsial'nostey. – L'viv, 2011. – 160 s.
3) Testovi zavdannya z rytoryky dlya studentiv / uklad. Z.Y. Kun'ch, H.P. Horodylovs'ka, H.L. Voznyuk, N.I. Holubinka, I.D. Shmilyk. – L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2015, – 44 s.
4) Pidhotovka do publichnoho vystupu: metod. rekomendatsiyi z rytoryky / Z.Y. Kun'ch, H.P. Horodylovs'ka, N.I. Holubinka, I.D. Shmilyk.– L'viv: Vydavnytstvo L'vivs'koyi politekhniky, 2014, – 56 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Test (participation – 40 points, test – 60 points)