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6th All-Ukrainian Internet Conference «Local Government and Self-Government in Ukraine and Countries of the World»

The Department of History of State and Law at the Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology of Lviv Polytechnic National University is pleased to invite you to participate in the 6th All-Ukrainian Academic Theoretical Internet Conference «Local Government and Self-Government in Ukraine and Countries of the World: History and the Present Time (Aspects of Law) Commemorating Professor Yuriy Paneyko», which will be held on May 30, 2017.

Lecturers and professors of higher educational institutions, PhD students, senior students and practicing lawyers are welcome. The form of participation is virtual.

There going to be two sections.

  1. Local government and self-government: political and legal issues of history and the present time:
    • Local government and self-government: general theoretical and methodological principles for understanding;
    • The legal nature of self-government;
    • Historic and legal research of the issues of the local government and self-government;
    • Organization of the local government and self-government bodies: the experience of world and Ukrainian history;
    • Characteristic features of municipal self-government: world and Ukrainian experience;
    • Legal principles of the organization and functioning of rural self-government in Ukraine.
  2. Associated issues.

Paper submission deadline – May 29, 2017.

Organizing committee:

Lviv Polytechnic National University, Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology,
address: 79000, Lviv, 1/3 Prince Roman str.,
e-mail: i.terlyuk2406@gmail.com,
tel.: (032) 2583020.

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