The Department of Business Economics and Investment of the Institute of Economics and Management of Lviv Polytechnic National University invites you to take part in the IV All-Ukrainian Students’ Scientific and Practical Conference «Modern Paradigm of Higher Education: Economics and Management», which will be held on March 21–22, 2019.
Conference sections
- Section 1. Formation of Digital Competences in Education.
- Section 2. Higher Education and Current Challenges in the Labor Market.
- Section 3. Profile of the Specialist in Demand.
- Section 4. Practical Aspects of Specialists Training: National and Foreign Experiences.
Organizers invite students of higher education institutions and their scientific supervisors to participate.
To participate in the conference, you must send the necessary documents to the Organizing Committee at epi_conf@ukr.net by March 10, 2019.
More details – in the conference newsletter