The Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences at Lviv Polytechnic invites you to participate in the V Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum on Polish-Ukrainian Relations and European Integration, which takes place on May 23–24, 2019 in the Stara Kotłownia Exposition Center in Olsztyn, Poland.
V Ukrainian-Polish Scientific Forum is a continuation of international cooperation within the framework of the signed agreement between the Institute of Political Sciences of the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn and the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Lviv Polytechnic National University.
To participate in the Forum, it is necessary to submit the theme of the report to Oleksandr Horbach, the head of the organizing committee in Ukraine, till May 23, 2019, at gorbachon@gmail.com.
More details are in the Forum Newsletter