Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Institute of Economics and Management

Director of Institute: DSc (Econ), prof. Oleh Kuzmin
Deputy Director: CSc (Econ), Assoc. prof. Volodymyr Zhezhukha
Dean for Master Studies: CSc (Econ), Assoc. prof. Yurii Malynovskyi
Dean for Bachelor Studies: CSc (Econ), Assoc. prof. Oleksandr Skybinskyi
Deputy Dean for Master Studies: CSc (Econ), Senior Lecturer Taras Lisovych
Deputy Dean for Bachelor Studies: CSc (Econ), Assoc. prof. Rostyslav Bala

5 Mytropolyta Andreia St., Building 4, Room 428a

Номер(и) телефону: 
(032) 258-22-10
(032) 258-27-95
+38 098 313 70 11 (дирекція)
inem.dept [at] lpnu.ua
Oleh.Y.Kuzmin [at] lpnu.ua


In 2018, the Exporter School for Beginners was launched on the initiative of Lviv...
The new issue of the Economics, Entrepreneurship, Management, Volume 5, Number 2, 2018 ...
The Government has approved the members of National Agency for Higher Education Quality...
Dear Lviv Polytechnicians! We turn the last page of 2018, full of many events of national...
The results of the 76th students’ scientific and technical conference, held at Lviv...
The British publication Times Higher Education (THE) has released the latest issue of the...