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Creating future together : the CRH Ukraine Internship Program is presented in Lviv Polytechnic National University

26 Apr 2016, 14:15
Kateryna Hrechyn, The weekly paper “Audytoria”

Under the above mentioned slogan the presentation of the CRH Ukraine internship program for graduates and students of higher educational institutions was held and organized by the Department of Employment and Industrial Relations for chemical engineers, manufacturing engineers, mechanics and electricians.

Fearghal Varian, the Head of the project management, Iryna Dunaievska, the training and company development manager and Ostap Syrotych, the graduate of the program visited the Institute of Chemistry and Chemical Technologies on April 11 because the company launched the internship program for graduates and students of higher educational institutions with the possibility of further employment at the CRH Group in Ukraine for the second time. A good few of university students came to listen to the guests and to embark on their career related to their profession.

Iryna Dunaievska, the Head of the program, mentioned, ‘The company’s main specialization in Ukraine is the cement manufacturing. Six trainees graduated last year, including one of the best our graduates Ostap Syrotych, the student of Lviv Polytechnic. I consider that it is like a fate gift for those who get a chance to take a part in our program as we also guarantee a job placement. I hope this year we will also teach the students of Lviv Polytechnic.’

Fearghal Varian, a person who manages projects in Ukraine, made a speech. He was speaking in English (Ostap Syrotych was translating) about the activity of the Irish group CRH in the world (one of the three largest manufacturers of building materials in the world). The students also learned about Ukrainian cement factories such as PJSC Podilsky Cement (Kamianets-Podilsky), Cement LLC (Odessa) and PJSC Mykolaivcement (Mykolaiv, Lviv region) with which the company has been cooperating since 1999, and got information about the enrolment condition for training, the requirements for candidates and benefits which they can get after the employment in the international company and so on. The company representatives assured that students would learn and also gain an experience of working in the international company during their one-year official employment for a period of training.

Ostap Syrotych, the graduating student of the Department of Computerized Automatic Systems of the Institute of Computer Technologies, Automation and Metrology, said, ‘I find out about the training in the international company from a newspaper advertisement. This program gathers people from all over Ukraine so I did not really believe that I had a chance to get there. I was pleasantly surprised when they offered me to try my hand. I am grateful to my teachers for the knowledge acquired at Lviv Polytechnic because it helped me to go through the cutthroat competition. I am very pleased with my choice. I think that students have to believe in themselves more: we should not expect that someone will find a job for us but we ought to seek various job opportunities actively by ourselves.