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Polytechnics and Lviv community paid tribute to the memory of Rector Yuriy Rudavskiy

22 Feb 2017, 14:45
Lviv Polytechnic Press Service

On February 21, 2007, Yuriy Kyrylovych Rudavskiy, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, an outstanding Ukrainian scientist in the field of theoretical physics, a talented teacher and manager of Ukrainian educational sphere, passed away. Having headed the University in the turbulent 1990s, he managed not only to preserve imperishable traditions of Lviv Polytechnic, but also provided its development with new quality and dynamics.

Ten years have passed since this sad date. However, Lviv polytechnics cherish the memory of their Rector. There have been founded a scholarship and a medal named after Yuriy Rudavskiy in the University. Several years ago, a memorial plaque was installed on the building where he and his family lived. These days we are preparing to celebrate his 70th birthday anniversary, which is on April 10.

On the occasion of 10th anniversary of Yuriy Kyrylovych’s death, there was a day of his commemoration .University administration and Lviv community representatives took part in the memorial service in St. Yura cathedral. They put flowers on the Rector’s tombstone in Lychakiv cemetery. A requiem in his honor concluded the memorial events.

Iryna Klyuchkovska, Director of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations of Lviv Polytechnic, opened the meeting, which took place in the historic University Assembly Hall, with her speech.

Professor Yuriy Bobalo, Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University, made a speech. He said:

– Our outstanding Lviv Polytechnic, which celebrated its bicentenary not so long ago, takes pride in the fact that Professor Rudavskiy worked here so fruitfully and so long. The image of this person united two biggest higher educational institutions in Lviv – our Polytechnic and Ivan Franko University, where he studied. Later he worked in Lviv branch of the Institute of Theoretical Physics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, where he started his work as a junior researcher and was promoted to an academic secretary.

1987 was a crucial year for Yuriy Kyrylovych. That was when he was elected for the post of professor at the Department of Calculus of Lviv Polytechnic Institute and in a year he became Head of this Department. When Ukrainian independent state was merely being born, Yuriy Rudavskiy became Rector of Lviv Polytechnic, being the first democratically elected rector in Ukraine.

We, polytechnics, accepted his arrival at our University absolutely organically. It was a good sign of renewal and further dynamic development of our educational institution.

Ihor Yuhnovskiy, Yuriy Rudavskiy’s mentor, member of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Hero of Ukraine, Professor Serhiy Byelikov, Rector of Zaporizhya National Technical University, Professor Yuriy Tunytsya, Rector of Ukrainian National Forestry University, Anatoliy Ihnatovych, Head of Lviv regional branch of the Physical Education and Sports Committee of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Head of the National Student Union Board shared their cherished memories and thoughts about Rector Yuriy Rudavskiy.

Halyna Nykonivna Rudavska, Yuriy Kyrylovych’s wife, thanked the University administration and employees for cherishing the memory of her husband and his good deeds.

The performance of the University chamber orchestra «Polyphony» directed by Stepan Shalata, Head of the Prosvita People’s House, honored culture worker of Ukraine, accompanied this evening.

«We live only twice…» – that is the title of the memorial book about Rector Yuriy Rudavskiy. It is really true. A person’s life has two dimensions: an earthly one and the one that is left in grateful people’s memories, when the person leaves us.