Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Prosvita People's House

Director: Stepan Shalata

8 Karpinskyy str., building 26, floors 3, 4

Номер(и) телефону: 
(032) 258-26-97
(032) 258-22-90
(032) 258-21-58
prosvita [at] lpnu.ua


On October 12, a photo exhibition on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the...
Prosvita Society at Lviv Polytechnic organized an interesting trip to places related to...
On September 1, Gaudeamus National Students’ Choir of Lviv Polytechnic successfully...
The Pop Song Ensemble of Lviv Polytechnic took part in the XI International Children’s...
Two countries, two festivals – from June 28 to July 5 Lviv Polytechnic Polyphonia Chamber...
The Virnist (Faithfulness) National Dance Group of the Prosvita People’s House, headed by...