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Competition for scholarships to study at Kingston University within the Erasmus+ program

26 Feb 2020, 15:14
MIB Department, Lviv Polytechnic

Competition for scholarships to study at Kingston University, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom, within the Erasmus+ KA1 International Credit Mobility programme, funded by the European Union and the Erasmus+ Agency, has started.

According to the terms of the project, the third-year bachelor and the first-year master students majoring in International Economic Relations, the Institute of Economics and Management, Lviv Polytechnic National University, have the opportunity to participate in the academic mobility programme and study at Kingston University in the first semester of 2020/2021 academic year.

Applicants must meet the following requirements:

  • be proficient in English at least at the B2 level;
  • have an average grade (rating) equal to or higher than 71;
  • send all required documents in time.

To receive an individual grant, it is necessary to send the required documents in English to kingstonbusinesslpnu@gmail.com till March 20, 2020 (12:00 noon).

More information – in the competition newsletter


Competition newsletter144.07 KB