The sixth solemn ceremony to nominate the Honorary Ambassadors of the city took place in Lviv. Since 2014, 54 people have become Ambassadors of Lviv.
The field of activity of Honorary Ambassadors is extremely diverse. Most of them work in science, education, culture, medicine or business. Lots of them teach at the universities and are actively involved in science. Their research is recognized worldwide, they are awarded scientific degrees. Due to their close cooperation with international colleagues, it is possible to organize many projects, attract world experts and hold international conferences, forums and congresses in Lviv.
On October 16, 2020, 9 more people became Ambassadors of Lviv, and are ready to use their authority and professional knowledge to promote Lviv as a worthy place for hospitality business.
In particular, Nazar Podolchak, Doctor of Economics, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management, Director of Tech StartUp School and SID City Science Park, Lviv Polytechnic National University, became the Honorary Ambassador of Lviv 2020−2022.