During the quarantine period and forced stay at home because of COVID-19 Asociación Ucrania de Cultura PROSVITA in Argentina recommends studying the Ukrainian language online.
«We ask all our teachers and students to follow quarantine restrictions and hygiene rules to prevent infection. Let’s use these circumstances to study Ukrainian,» is written on Facebook page of Prosvita.
Teachers and students interact and continue their activities. «And if you don’t do this remotely, on this page we will help you with useful websites» the post said.
Argentine Prosvita Association shared a link to the educational website «Step to Ukraine», implemented within the framework of an educational project of the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University. Post has also a link to the post on «Step to Ukraine – IECDR» on Facebook, which offers useful materials for teachers of Ukrainian as a foreign language.