17 Apr 2020, 08:56

Jakob Dalhoff is the head of the Ukrainian-Danish Center for Scientific and Technological Cooperation, which develops its activities at Tech StartUp School, Lviv Polytechnic National University.
Today, he shares some tips for success, as over the years he has developed his own set of rules and ideas:
– First of all, what is success? I think it’s important for everyone to understand the goals and how they determine success / happiness. Once you have a clear idea of goals, you can start working directly with them.
There is a list of rules followed by Jacob Dahlhof.
- I have always said that 80% of success is to work hard and to be truthful and honest with yourself and others.
- You need to create value – it doesn’t matter whether you work for yourself or for someone else.
- You have to be disciplined because success does not come overnight and you have to spend more time for it.
- Acquire new skills, try reading or listening to audio books for 30 minutes every day: in a year you will learn a lot and in 5 years you will be the first among the 1% of people in the world who have the deepest knowledge.
- To be successful, you need to be energetic and work out to keep fit, if not daily, at least every other day.
- Sequence. If something doesn’t work, then try other strategies – don’t stop.
- You can learn a lot from failure, so don’t repeat the same mistakes.
- Failure isn’t something to be ashamed of. Those who never fell – never rose.
- Learn and pursue other goals, build a network.
- Look for and follow successful models.
- Be inquisitive and try to find opportunities, even in difficult times like now.
- Be positive and optimistic, it is fun for you and surroundings.
- But the most important thing a wise man once told me is: «Make a plan – if you don’t plan, you plan to be defeated.»