On the occasion of the World Science Day on November 16, Polytechnic researchers who have been publishing scientific works in journals with an impact factor (1 or 2 quartiles) and are cited in ORCID, Scopus and Google Scholar, were awarded regional prizes. Some winners shared their impressions of this event.
«It really motivates. A lot of effort has been made, and I’m very glad that it has been evaluated, taken into account and noticed. Such things push only forward, to work, work and work again. And Lviv Polytechnic contributes a lot to all this,» said Tetiana Bilushchak, Candidate of Historical Sciences, Associate Professor at the Department of Social Communication and Information Activities, the Institute of the Humanities and Social Sciences.
«This is an award for my achievements, namely: for my nine monographs, for my great achievement in the field of technical sciences, mathematics, for my scientific articles. In general, I am a specialist in mathematical modeling. We model processes of different physical nature in complex and composite objects. And, you know, Lviv Polytechnic is inspiring. Work with students and academic staff creates an unbridled desire both to teach and to learn. After all, Polytechnic is only moving forward,» said Olha Chernukha, Professor at the Department of Computational Mathematics and Programming, at the Institute of Applied Mathematics and Fundamental Sciences.
«I was awarded as a young researcher. This means that we are not forgotten, we are recognized, not only in the region, but also in Ukraine. Lviv Polytechnic is my work and my life. Without it, I would not be a researcher. I also thank it for my lifestyle,» said Yurii Kryvenchuk, Associate Professor at the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems, Deputy Dean for Bachelor Studies, Institute of Computer Science and Information Technologies..
«I am sincerely grateful that they noted our scientific work, which we perform every day. I am glad that not only I, but also my colleagues received this good motivation, which forces researchers to work harder, develop and publish, representing not only Lviv Polytechnic, but the whole Ukraine in the world of science,» said Nataliia Melnykova, a lecturer at the Department of Artificial Intelligence Systems.