Information educational resource «Osvita.ua» produced a consolidated ranking of higher education institutions of Ukraine in 2020.
To compile this ranking there were used such leading national rankings of Ukrainian educational institutions as: «Top-200 Ukraine», Scopus and «External Evaluation Grades for Contract Study», each of which uses different evaluation criteria of HEIs.
In particular, the «Top-200 Ukraine» ranking, which is compiled by the Center for International Projects «Euroeducation», uses open data of the direct measuring, displayed on open web resources of independent national and international organizations and institutions.
According to this methodology, the activities of higher education institutions are evaluated by a set of ten indicators of their activities: academic activities, research and publishing activities and evaluation of research achievements of universities through comparisons of their websites, international activities etc.
The results of the Scopus ranking are based on the indicators of the Scopus database, which track the citation of scientific articles published by higher education institutions or academic staff in scientific journals.
The ranking «External Evaluation Grades for Contract Study» contains information on the indicators of the average grade of entrants who were enrolled in universities for contract study in 2019. This ranking actually determines the leaders among higher education institutions with the largest number of entrants who pay for their study.
Lviv Polytechnic National University is in seventh place in the ranking.
You can learn more by following the link.