The World Federation of Ukrainian Women’s Organizations (WFUWO), together with the International Institute of Education, Culture and Diaspora Relations, Lviv Polytechnic National University (IECDR), hold the 32nd Marusia Beck International Literary Competition. This year the theme is: «What can I, the third millennium Ukrainian woman, do?» Ukrainian women aged 14–25 are invited to participate. The works are accepted until May 31, 2020.
With their work participants honor the memory of Marusia Beck, an honorary member of WFUWO and the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America, a well-known American political activist of Ukrainian descent and the first female lawyer in America. Throughout her life, she supported the Ukrainian community and defended the rights and interests of Ukrainians.
The competition aims to draw attention to the Ukrainian Women’s Movement abroad. It is also a platform for uniting Ukrainian women from all over the world to work together.
Ukrainian women regardless of their country of residence can participate. Different types of works: essays, stories, researches, etc. that have not been published before, can be accepted. The competition material must be nicknamed and a brief biography of the author (surname, first name, age, country of residence, home address and photo) must be submitted additionally.
The competition is conducted in two age categories: the first – 14–25 years; the second – 18–25 years. The amount of work depends on the category to which the participant belongs. For the first one, it can be up to 1000 words, for the second – up to 2000 words. Materials must be typed in Times New Roman 14 font and 1.5 line spacing.
The works entitled «For Marusia Beck Literary Competition» must be sent to concursm.beck@gmail.com.
The competition has four stages:
- acceptance of works from the competition participants from January 31 to May 31 (works which will came after this deadline will not be considered by the jury of the competition);
- evaluation of the participants’ works by the jury from June 1 to August 20;
- announcement of the winners at the WFUWO Annual Meetings and the award ceremony;
- publication of the works of the competition winners on the social networks of WFUWO.
The winners from Ukraine and the diaspora in both age categories will be identified separately. Girls and women can receive cash prizes for winning the competition:
- I – CA$ 600;
- II – CA$ 300;
- III – CA$ 200.
In addition, in each of the two nominations (separately from Ukraine and from the diaspora), the jury will chose a laureate, who is given the title of «A laureate of WFUWO Marusia Beck Literary Competition» and is awarded CA$ 100 cash prize. The competition is funded with the support of the Ukrainian National Women’s League of America.
If you have any questions, please contact the WFUWO office:
Email: wfuwo.office@gmail.com.
Tel. + 1 416 858 5401.