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History of the Information Technology Publishing Department

In 1998 the Automated Control Systems Department (ACS) began training of Bachelors of the basic direction Light Industry, which in 2001 was renamed to Printing and Publishing (PP, code 051501). Annually the enrollment of the first year students of the stationery education form budget and commercial groups of studying.

In 2002 was the first graduation of Bachelors by the direction Printing and Publishing, who in 2002-2003 continued studying in Computer Technology and Publishing and Printing Systems (CTPPS, code 7-8.051501). In 2003 the ACS Department received accreditation for graduation Specialists in this area.

In 2011 by the decree of the Rector of Lviv Polytechnic National University for continuing professional training by the direction Printing and Publishing on the basis of the ACS Department was created a new structural subdivision- the Information Technology Publishing Department (ITP). The Acting head of the department is Sc.D., professor Rashkevych J.

In 2011 on the ITP Department was the first graduation of Specialists and Masters in CTPPS, and in 2012 — the first graduation of Bachelors by the major PP.

Students who have chosen the major Printing and Publishing get the necessary knowledge for prepress preparation of printing publications, design, projection and development of multimedia and etc. Specialists in printing and publishing have the necessary knowledge in the field of advertising campaign development and marketing campaign support. The area of their work is both traditional and operational printing. Graduating students during their studying are already involved in the development of individual corporate styles and implementation of promotional campaigns to the order of companies.

The intensive development of electronic information market stimulate the professional training in the area of the development and design of the electronic publications, online portals, multimedia presentations and etc.

All the theoretical knowledge is acquired on practical and laboratory studies with the use of modern hardware and software. For this purpose is not only Wintel platform used, but also computers based on Mac OS. The latter one is the dominant platform in the multimedia development, video and image processing etc.

By the invitation of the Department the best graduates and the region’s leading experts in the printing and publishing field constantly hold open sessions for students, provide educational tours for visiting printing firms, participate in updating of the curriculum.

Last update: 4 years 11 months ago