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Pscyhology, Pedagogics and Social Management Department history

The Department was founded in 1969. For the time of its existence the department prepared experts in such majors: “engineer-pedagogue-electrician” (1971-1976), “engineer-pedagogue-constructor”. From 1996 to 1998 the Department was conducting a professional training of military lawyers from the Military Department at Lviv Polytechnic. In 1999 the Department licensed the major “Social worker” according to the Project “Public Service Reformation” financed be Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). In 2001 this degree program became available at a newly formed department “Sociology and Social Work”. In 2002 the Department licensed a new degree program in “Educational Institution Management” which prepares today master students to meet the needs of the system of education in Ukraine. Beside it all since 2010 the Department started to prepare bachelor students in Journalism major and since 2011 — in Practical Psychology major, licensed in 2011.

In 2011 the Department of Pscyhology, Pedagogics and Social Management (PPSM) joined the Institute of Jurisprudence and Psychology.

Today the Department offers 4 degree programs of study: professional training of master and bachelor students (two graduation majors — “Practical Psychology and “Educational Institution Management”), general psycho-pedagogical preparation of students, psycho-pedagogical training of postgraduate students, pedagogical training program for lecturers at Lviv Polytechnic National University.

There is a postgraduate program for both full -time and part —time students who want to get a Mechanisms of State Management major (code 25.00.02) at the Department.

The lecturers at the department are highly qualified experts in their respective fields. The applied aspect of their activity concerns the practical usage of their knowledge in psychology, psychological consulting, psychological aid and psychotherapy and also the constant training.

The lecturers of the Department were trained at the Institute of Guided Affective Imagery , at the Austrian Institute of EMDR specialized in psychological trauma; they are well acquainted with such methods in psychotherapy as GAI method (guided affective imagery), Carl Rogers’ method of person-centered therapy (PCT), sandplay therapy, group psychotherapy and psychodrama, dance — movement therapy, neurophysiology, special (remedial) psychology and other.

The members of the Department take an active part in community service projects organised by Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists, Ukrainian Association of dance-movement therapy, psychotherapy supervision group at Lviv Mental Hospital, Lviv branch of the Ukrainian Association of Specialists in Correctional Pedagogy, Ukrainian Association of Organisational and Work Psychologists etc.

The Department has updated the concept of preparation of students and lecturers at Lviv Polytechnic. The main idea of the concept is to increase the level of psycho-pedagogical training of students, the improvement of methods and forms to increase the level of psycho-pedagogical training of lecturers with the help of Seminars of Pedagogical Knowledge (SPK); also to give the interested senior students of Lviv Polytechnic the opportunity to become a lecturer (according to the main courses of their majors) while studying at the university; to develop new educational and testing technologies with the help of up-to-date computer hardware and interne; to improve the exchange of information at the Department (receiving the information from the outside world, and in its turn informing others about the achievements in educational psychology at LPNU); to provide more opportunities for the Department in publishing etc.

Within the Department’s expertise and the subjects offered by the Research Centre of Ministry of Education and Science, Youth and Sports of Ukraine at the Lviv Polytechnic National University different research work and studies are carried out. In particular the faculty of the department develops professiograms and qualification characteristics (of students, lecturers, workers, officials), conducts professional-orientation study in education and industry, develops diagnostic-consulting and expert systems(including their express-diagnostical types); studies, simulates and creates socio-technical systems and their components, works on problems that concern the increase of human capital value. Beside it all the Department conducts researches to create systems of attestation of officials, to improve modern educational technologies, to implement systems of computer attestation in manufacturing, managers training etc.

Last update: 4 years 5 months ago