Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Scientific directions of the University

The main directions of scientific activity of Lviv Polytechnic National University
(approved by the University Academic Board in the Protocol No. 5 of 24.06.2014)

  1. Formation of human living environment by the architectural and urban planning facilities.
  2. Theoretical and experimental investigations of the building and bridge structures, development of the energy- and resource-saving construction technologies, advanced building materials, and improvement of the energy efficiency of heat and gas supply chains and sustainable water use.
  3. Geoinformation monitoring and evaluation of the environment by methods of geodesy, cartography, remote sensing and inventory.
  4. Actual problems of the humanities and social sciences.
  5. Resource-saving technologies, environmental protection activities, and evaluation and usage principles of the recreational and tourism potential of the areas.
  6. Problems of economics and innovative development management.
  7. Resource-saving technologies and intellectual control systems in energy supply for objects of the economic activity.
  8. Development of novel technologies, technical systems and materials in the industry and transport, diagnostic of machines, constructions and buildings.
  9. Advanced computer systems and information technologies.
  10. Development of the theoretical foundations, hardware and software, mathematical assurance of computer, measuring, control systems and information security systems, their metrological assurance and certification testing.
  11. Legal, psychological and informational problems of statehood development in Ukraine.
  12. Development of the mathematical methods and physical-mechanical models and their application to solve applied problems.
  13. Infocommunication radio electronic, electronic and optoelectronic systems and devices, materials and components.
  14. Development of the theoretical bases and technologies of obtaining processes for new organic and inorganic substances and materials of various use.
  15. Diaspora and migration processes in Ukrainian and global dimensions: political, economic, educational, and cultural aspects.
Last update: 6 years 3 weeks ago