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Meeting with Scholars in Budapest and Veszprém

Meeting with Scholars in Budapest and Veszprém

21.03.2019 - 22.03.2019 (Hungary, Veszprém, Budapest) 

March 21

10.00 –12.00 meeting with Andras Zoltan, professor of the Department of Ukrainian Philology at the Moscow State University. E. Lorentta in Budapest. The meeting will discuss the cultural development of the Ukrainian national minority in Hungary.

14.00 – 16.00 meeting with Jurii Kravchenko, President of State Self-Government of Ukrainians of Hungary (address: 1065 Budapest, Hajós utca 1. Entrance from Paulay Ede Street);

16.00 – 18.00 meeting with PM Brigitte Superak, an official representative of the Ukrainian national minority in the Hungarian Parliament (Budapest): Meeting with representatives of state authorities on issues of national minorities in Vespers. Discussions on the implementation of the policy of Hungary and the European Union on the protection and support of national minorities, the prospect of solving problems of national minorities.

19.00 – departure to Veszprém

March 22

10.00 – 13.00 meeting with Dean of the Faculty of Modern Philology and Social Sciences of the University of Pannonia, Professor Judith Navrachic. On the meeting will discussed the cooperation within the project, the coordination of the plan of joint activities, the timing of the project implementation and the final results of cooperation.




Звіт про наукову поїздку в рамках в рамках проекту «State policy on national minorities rights protection: experience of Visegrad Group countries»

Оновлено 5 years 5 міс тому