18 січня 2018, 11:55
Вийшло нове число наукового журналу «Сomputational Problems of Electrical Engineering», Volume 7, Number 1, 2017.
- Зміст
- Andriy Malyar, Andriy Andreishyn, Bohdan Kaluzhnyi, Ihor Holovachk Study of the Hamming Network EȀciency for the Sucker-Rod Oil Pumping Unit Status Identìcation
- Bohdan Mandziy, Ksenia Сhaban, Yuriy Shapovalov, Dariya Bachyk Application of the Frequency Symbolic Method for the Analysis of a Quadrature Demodulator of a Telecommunication System
- Ivan Karlashevych, Volodymyr Pravda Use of Cluster Analysis Method to Increase the EȀciency and Accuracy of Radar Data Processing
- Mykola Dyvak, Iryna Oliynyk Estimation Method for a Set of Solutions to Interval System of Linear Algebraic Equations with Optimized «Saturated Block» Selection Procedure
- Mykola Mukha Comparative Analysis of Technical and Economic Characteristics of Generator Sets on the Basis of Synchronous and Asynchronous Generators
- Oksana Hoholyuk, Yuriy Kozak, Taras Nakonechnyy, Petro Stakhiv Macromodelling as an Approach to Short-Term Load Forecasting of Electric Power System Objects
- Petro Lezhniuk, Viacheslav Komar, Sergiy Kravchuk Assessment of Balance Reliability in Local Elecrtic System with Alternative Renewable Sources of Energy
- Petro Stakhiv, Serhiy Rendzinyak, Oksana Hoholyuk 125-th Anniversary of Electrical Engineering Education and Science in Lviv Polytechnic (1891–2016)
- Preparation of Papers for CPEE
- Taras Binkevych Means of Lightning Protection of Overhead Power Transmission Lines with Isolated Neutral
- Vasyl Tkachuk, Ihor Bilyakovskyy, Lidiya Kasha Switched Reluctance Motor for a Surface Lift Drive
- Yuriy Vasetsky, Iryna Mazurenko, Konstantin Dziuba Features of Distribution of Three-Dimensional Quasi-Stationary Electromagnetic Field in a System with Planar Interface Between Media
- Вимоги до оформлення статей для подання до друку в журнал CPEE
- Свідоцтво про реєстрацію
- Список друкованих (електронних) періодичних видань, що входить до Переліку наукових фахових видань України