14 березня 2018, 13:40
Вийшло нове число наукового журналу «Геодинаміка/Geodynamics», № 2 (23), 2017.
- Monitoring of crustal movements in Ukraine using the network of reference GNSS-stations
S. Savchuk, S. Doskich - Study of horizontal displacements of the channel of Dniester river using remote sensing data and GIS-technologies
Kh. V. Burshtynska, S. Tretyak, M. Halockin - Precise tilt measurements for monitoring of mine fields at Stebnyk potassium deposit area
O. S. Zaiats, M. Navodych, S. L. Petrov, K. R. Tretyak - To the problem of elimination of invariance loss effects in the evaluation of deformation fields of the earth using GNSS-data
O. A. Tadieiev - Reconstruction of cenozoic stress and deformations in the eastern east European platform with its regional and practical application
M.L. Kopp, A. Kolesnichenko, A. Mosrruykov , N. Vasil’ev - Geologal-paleooceanographic conditions of late jurassic sedimentogenesis in the Carpathian segment of the Tethys ocean (the outer zone of the Carpathian foredeep)
M. Moroz - Lithosphere heterogeneity of the Dnieper-Donets basin and its geodynamical consequences. II part. Geodynamics interpretation
V. I. Starostenko , I. K. Pashkevich , I. B. Makarenko , P. Ya. Kupriienko, O. S. Savchenko - Display of the tectonic structure of the western region of Ukraine in the gravimagnetic fields
L. S. Monchak, S. H. Anikeiev - The earth: virtuality of plate tectonics, conformality of fixism and mobilism
V. Kobolev - Shape of the Earth and geodynamics
A. L. Tserklevych, Y. Shylo, O. Shylo