Ви переглядаєте архівну версію офіційного сайту НУЛП (2005-2020р.р.). Актуальна версія: https://lpnu.ua

Програма польського бізнестовариства «Leopolis for Future»


Leopolis for Future –це ініціатива, яка виникла з бажання надати допомогу країні, перед якою стоять  виклики, подібні до тих,  з якими Польща зіткнулася на межі 1989-1990 років. За 25 років успіху в трансформації бізнесу та промисловості, польські підприємці та менеджери готові поділитися досвідом та надати допомогу сусідам з України. Маючи власний досвід отримання допомоги з країн Заходу, відчуваємо обов’язок допомогти нашим східним сусідам, які не мали гідних можливостей до розвитку.

За підтримки  Leopolis for Future  представники польського бізнесу хочуть допомогти українським студентам  в процесі навчання, здобути  професійні компетенції, поглибити знання про світ. Хочемо також допомогти нав’язати та зміцнити контакти молодих поляків і українців. Фундація Leopolis for Future це унікальний проект , який дає можливість студентам Львівських ВНЗ здобути міжнародний професійний досвід в Польщі



Шановні студенти!

За підтримки польського фонду «Leopolis for Future» Програма «Leopolis for Future» оголошує конкурсний відбір серед студентів Львівської полтехніки для проходження оплачуваного професійного стажування в липні 2019 року на відомих фірмах та установах Польщі.



Метою стажування є набуття студентами практичного досвіду у розв’язання організаційних, правових і соціальних проблем у сфері бізнес-операцій та самоврядування на прикладі кращих практик.


Вимоги до кандидатів:

– бути студентом (кою) Львівської Політехніки;

– володіти англійською мовою не нижче рівня В2 або польською мовою не нижче рівня B1.


Для участі у конкурсі студентам необхідно до 21 лютого 2019 року (включно)  подати до Центру міжнародної освіти (Головний корпус 342 аудиторія) такі документи АНГЛІЙСЬКОЮ МОВОЮ:

  1. Резюме/CV (формат Europass: https://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/documents/curriculum-vitae)
  2. Мотиваційний лист (із обов’язковим зазначенням установи, де студент має намір проходити стажування, максимальний обсяг – 1 стор. формату А4).
  3. Згода на обробку персональних даних  http://lp.edu.ua/sites/default/files/attach/2018/9471/statement_of_the_c...


Повний пакет документів необхідно надіслати (скановані копії по порядку згідно вимог одним файлом у форматі PDF, максимальний розмір – 15 Мб) на електронну скриньку: lana@polynet.lviv.ua.

У полі електронного листа Subject та в назві pdf-файлу обов’язково треба вказати назву програми, прізвище претендента та назву фірми (зразок – Leopolis_Vasylenko_ Abris Capital Partners).


Документи, надіслані після вказаного терміну та листи, які матимуть в темі листа іншу назву не будуть прийняті до розгляду.

Відбір відбуватиметься в три етапи:
1. Внутрішній відбір аплікацій (30 студентів);
2. Skype-співбесіда з Координатором програми в Польщі п. Кароліною Ервін;
3. Співбесіда в Генеральному Консульстві Республіки Польща у Львові (1-3 квітня 2019 року).


Перелік фірм, на яких планується стажування студентів.



                                           List of available Internships                                 



Company:                              Abris Capital Partners

Location of internship:                    Grzybowska Park, ul. Grzybowska 5A, 00-132 Warszawa

Company overview:             Leading mid-market private equity fund [www.abris-capital.com]

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


Intern in the Deal Team:

  • Support the Polish and CEE teams with day to day requests, financial analysis and all aspects of deal processing including modelling, due diligence, liaison with advisors, completion, monitoring, internal compliance and exit.
  • Assisting with further projects as and when they arise




Company:                              ETOS S.A.                

Location of internship:                    Ul. Bysewska 23, 80-298 Gdańsk

Company overview:             The Company designs, sources and retails active leisure and fashion                                      apparel under the brand name “DIVERSE”.                                                                          [www.diversesystem.com] 

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months

Intern at Export Department:

  • Advanced knowledge of Excel;
  • Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
  • Very good knowledge of English; knowledge of Polish and Russian will be an advantage;               
  • Ability to research data on the Internet;
  • Conscientiousness, thoroughness and accuracy;
  • Ability to work as a part of the team and under pressure;
  • Good communication skills.

Intern at Marketing Department:

  • Advanced knowledge of Excel;
  • Knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook);
  • Very good knowledge of English; knowledge of Polish will be an advantage;
  • Ability to research data on the Internet;
  • Conscientiousness, thoroughness and accuracy;
  • Ability to work as a part of the team and under pressure;
  • Good communication skills.

Company:                              Jeppesen Poland Sp. z o.o.

Location of internship:                    ul. Arkońska 6, 80-387 Gdańsk

Company overview: For 80 years, we have been helping aviation professionals worldwide reach their destinations safely and efficiently. Today, we build on those roots by offering an ever-expanding array of innovative informational products, services, and software

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


Intern at Digital Aviation & Analytics Lab
Interested in data analytics, machine learning, software development and aviation? Come, work with us! In DA&A Lab Gdansk we’re exploring ideas and newest technologies to design and create new Product Concepts & Proof of Concepts that address customers’ needs and pain-points. We invite you to apply for an internship in Research Engineers Group. You will work together with data scientists, researchers, research engineers and software engineers. 

Main requirements:
• Student status
• Fluent English
• Interest in Software Development and/or Data Science and Machine Learning
• Front-End development experience is a plus
• Programming in one of: JavaScript, Python, Java or C/C++



Company:                              KPMG Sp. z o.o.       

Location of internship:                    Warszawa

Company overview:             KPMG is a global network of audit and advisory firms. We currently                                     employ more than 155 000 employees in 155 countries. KPMG was                                              one of the first international auditing and consulting companies on                                        the Polish market. Established in Warsaw in May 1990, with regional                                             offices in Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Katowice.

Duration of internship:        3 months

Intern at Department of Management Consulting

Intern will support the specialists from the Department of Management Consulting in helping customers in the organization of activities in the process of defining the opportunities and threats arising from the implementation of key business processes.

Intern at Risk Consulting Department

Risk Consulting is a consultancy on risk and compliance. Intern will support the employees of the Department of Risk Consulting in helping customers manage the risks that may threaten their existence market.

Two Interns at Audit Department

Excellent knowledge of Polish is a must. Intern will have an opportunity to explore the role of an auditor by providing support to the employees of Audit Department in the process of giving assurance over information used by investors and the capital markets.

All Interns participate in projects for clients of KPMG, undertake analytical work or research teams to carry out projects for the purpose of consulting or departments and support teams in carrying out projects and current activities. The offer is addressed to students of computer science, economics, financial mathematics.



Company:                              Orbis S.A./ Accor                 

Location of internship:                    Warsaw

Company overview:             Accor, the world's leading hotel operator and market leader in                                                        Europe, is present in 92 countries with more than 3,500 hotels and                                                450,000 rooms. With more than 160,000 employees in Accor brand                                       hotels worldwide, the Group offers to its clients and partners nearly                                             45 years of know-how and expertise. [www.accorhotels.com]

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


List of available positions will be announced soon.





Company:                              Urząd Miasta w Gdańsku (Gdansk City Council)            

Location of internship:                    ul. Nowe Ogrody 8/12, 80-803 Gdańsk

Company overview:             [www.gdansk.pl/nasze-miasto]

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


Intern at Department of Urban Planning, Architecture and Preservation of Monuments      ( Department of Revitalization):

  • Desire to know the organization and tasks of local government;
  • Interest in the development and implementation of projects co-financed from European Union funds;
  • Interest in the development of cities in terms of investment and revitalization;
  • The ability to quickly establish contacts;
  • Creativity;
  • Positive attitude.


Intern at Cultural Institutions in Gdansk  (depending on your interests and profile studies ):

  • Desire to know the organization and tasks of cultural institutions operating in the city;
  • Interest in the field of art and culture or history and politics;
  • The ability to quickly establish contacts;
  • Creativity;
  • Positive attitude.





Company:      Kancelaria RKKW- KWAŚNICKI, WRÓBEL &PARTNERZY- Radcowie Prawni             

Location of internship:                    ul. Wilcza 46, 00-001 Warszawa

Company overview:             http://rkkw.pl

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


Intern at RKKW:

  • Student of  II, III,  IV or V year of law;
  • Interest in line with the profile of the RKKW (corporate law, contract law, mergers and acquisitions (M & A), labor law and management contracts, capital market law, intellectual property law);
  • Very good knowledge of MS Office;
  • Communicative knowledge of Polish;
  • Good knowledge of English;
  • Independence, responsibility and diligence in the performance of duties;
  • Commitment to work.



Company:                              Nest Bank (FM Bank)          

Location of internship:                    ul. Domaniewska 39 A. 02-672 Warszawa

Company overview:             https://www.nestbank.pl/o-nas/o-nest-banku.html#

Duration of internship:        1 month with option to extend the internship to 2 months


Two Interns in Warsaw

  • Student of economy/ banking with strong analytical skills, industry and banking / financial background, dynamic and independent.
  • Gathering information on the English-language pages of the European Investment Fund for financial instruments dedicated to microenterprises
  • Preparing applications / correspondence to the EIF
  • Competition analysis / market trends in corporate lending / best practices in the European and global markets;
  • Inspiration from outside the banking industry solutions for companies (fintech, telecoms, FMCG)





Company:                              Grupa Aviva             

Location of internship:                    ul. Inflancka

Company overview:             Aviva Group in Poland (formerly Commercial Union) was established                                           in 1992 and is one of the largest financial institutions in our country.                                     Supports 3.5 million customers and manages assets worth about                                                  50 billion zł. A key area of ​​activity of the group are individual life                                                    insurance and long-term investments. Aviva also offers group life                                                      insurance, property insurance for individuals and companies,                                                            investment funds and health insurance.

Duration of internship:        minimum 2 months


Intern at IT and Infrastructure Department- System Administrator

Do you want to see how the Infrastructure Department functions in a large, international organization and become part of a dynamically developing IT department? Do you want to be able to grow thanks to free courses from the udemy platform? Please see our requirements below:

  • Knowledge of the following software will be an advantage: Linux, Continuous Integratio, Oracle, Postgres, SQL database
  • Communicative knowledge of Polish;
  • Good knowledge of English;
  • Independence, responsibility and diligence in the performance of duties;
  • Commitment to work.


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