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Public Administration Public Administration
Кваліфікація: Doctor of Philosophy by Specialty of Public Management and Administration
Рік вступу: 2018
Тривалість програми: 4 years, of which 2 years - educational component
Кількість кредитів: 60 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: Third (Doctoral) level, 9-th level of NQF, EHEA third Cycle
Галузь знань: Public administration
Особливі умови вступу:
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми: The educational process is based on active learning, primarily on an individual large-scale research project, which is controlled, giving some responsibility to the researcher at the initial stage for the choice of research methods, subject and organization of time. In the beginning, close scientific guidance, support from the supervisor, support and advice from other colleagues in the research group, including postdoctors, more experienced graduate students. Lecture courses, seminars, consultations, self-preparation, project work and individual consultations. Usually the form of study in the program is full-time, and it is possible to combine distance and evening study with work
Характеристика освітньої програми:
The purpose of the program is to train highly qualified scientists in the field of science and practice of public management and administration, support of doctoral students in their original research, aimed at obtaining new scientific knowledge of their testing and practical implementation, preparation and defense of the dissertation. Subject area (field of knowledge, specialty): Field of knowledge 07 "Management and administration", specialty 074 "Public management and administration" Orientation of the educational program: Orientation of scientific research on the development of new theoretical-methodological and methodological-applied base of public management and administration and practical recommendations that will be widely used in the field of management and administration.
Набуті компетентності:
1. Ability to describe, analyze and explain the historical, philosophical and institutional principles of public administration.
2. The ability to choose and apply effective mechanisms of administration in order to create conditions for socio-economic development of the state and society.
3. Ability to demonstrate methods of system analysis and modeling, as well as features of their application in the field of public administration.
4. Ability to assess the impact of the macroenvironment on the functioning of the state.
5. Ability to identify directions of business restructuring at the micro level in the main sectors of the EU economy in the context of deepening regional integration.
6. Ability to analyze the state and dynamics of competitors on an international scale.
7. Ability to analyze and synthesize information regarding the development and implementation of state development strategy.
1. Acquisition of advanced knowledge and understanding in the field of public management and administration and related fields, including the methodology of scientific research.
2. Ability to clearly and effectively describe the intensive, deep and detailed results of scientific work.
3. Ability to conduct specialized scientific seminars and publish scientific articles in major scientific journals in this field.
4. Ability to review and search for information in the literature using a variety of resources.
5. Ability to develop in detail and convincingly present to a group of qualified researchers a sound research plan to solve an important task.6. Ability to complete an extended original study.
7. Ability to prepare and publicly defend a dissertation on the basis of individual research.
8. Ability to present their research results in a foreign language.
1. Deep substantiated knowledge of basic mechanisms, models, systems, concepts, methodologies of public administration and administration.
2. Research skills in the field of public management and administration.
3. Individual research. Ability to independently analyze research in the field of management and administration and related sciences and on the basis of the results to draw conclusions and suitable for publication and which have practical benefits in the field of research.
4. Ability to analyze data. Conceptualization, design, application and evaluation of the subject project of the research.
5. Ability to criticize and evaluate. Interpret the results of scientific research.
6. Interpersonal professional competencies. Ability to form a team and ensure its effective functioning, using informal management methods in public administration.
Форма навчання: full
Академічна мобільність: Within the framework of the EU Erasmus + program on the basis of bilateral agreements between Lviv Polytechnic National University and educational institutions of partner countries
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: Podolchak Nazar Yuriyovych - Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of Administrative and Financial Management
Професійні профілі випускників: Requirements for positions are the availability of completed high-level research and experience of research and teaching work in higher education institutions and / or research institutions Relevant jobs in local and state authorities or other public organizations and in enterprises or organizations of various activities and forms ownership in management positions.
Доступ до подальшого навчання: Execution of the scientific program of the fourth (scientific) level of higher education for obtaining the degree of higher education doctor of sciences.
Інші особливості програми: Since most of the effort is devoted to writing a dissertation, the rest of the time can be used by a novice researcher to study other scientific and theoretical courses or other work-related activities, such as teamwork, communication, project development, and so on.
Інститут: Department of Doctoral and Post-graduate studies