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Building and Civil Engineering Building and Civil Engineering
Кваліфікація: Bachelor in building and civil engineering
Рік вступу: 2020
Тривалість програми: 4 year
Кількість кредитів: 240 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу: None
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Students of specialty "Building and civil engineering" obtain necessary knowledge for the design, creation, maintenance, preservation and reconstruction of building facilities and systems, as well as in the architecture and construction sphere; public administration at the district level, cities and inner city areas; collective, public and personal services. They have the necessary knowledge in the field of the modern and energy-saving technologies of creation effective structures, products and materials for construction and erection works and reconstruction of building objects and roads, taking into account the trends in rational natural resources management and environmental protection. Education of students is inextricably linked with scientific work in the laboratories of departments using advanced equipment and software. Participation of students in the design and technological development process helps to successfully acquire the professional skills. Students undergo practical training at leading enterprises of the construction industry of the Western Region of Ukraine.
Набуті компетентності:
- the ability to understand the basic theoretical positions, concepts and principles of math, social and economic sciences;
- the ability to use critical thinking and application of basic theories, methods and principles of nature science;
- ability to work with geodetic instruments and use topographic material at the design and erection of building objects and engineering networks;
- the ability to create and use technical documentation;
- knowledge of manufacturing technology, the technical characteristics of modern building materials, products and structures, the ability to use them effectively in the design and erection of building objects;
- the ability to develop space-planning decisions of buildings and their use for future design;
- ability to evaluate and take into account climate, geotechnical and environmental features of the construction area in the design and erection of building objects;
- the ability to identify and assess the load and stress-strain state of soil foundations and bearing structures of buildings (structures), including the use of modern information technology;
- the ability to develop constructive solutions to building objects on the basis of knowledge of nomenclature and structural forms, the ability to calculate and design a bearing and enclosing building structures;
- the ability to develop and evaluate technical solutions to engineering networks;
- knowledge of current requirements of regulatory documents in the construction industry;
- ability to perform calculations and analyze of the economic calculations of the cost of building objects;
- to know the technological processes at the erection, finish and operation of buildings and structures as well as erection of engineering systems and networks;
- the ability to develop the rational organization and management of building process at erection, operation, repair and reconstruction of the building objects including the requirements of labor safety;
- knowledge of design principles of urban areas and objects of infrastructure;
- understanding of the requirements for reliability and facilities of providing of the reliability of building structures, buildings and engineering networks;
- basic knowledge and understanding of the special chapters on the student's choice: industrial and civil construction; water-economy and environmental construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage with a view to the future development of specialization and interdisciplinary approaches.
Форма навчання: part
Академічна мобільність: None, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: Dean of the Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor Peter Kholod, tel. +380322582761, E-mail: petro.f.kholod@lpnu.ua; dyrekcia-ibid-223@ukr.net
Професійні профілі випускників: Generalized object of activity bachelor of specialty "Building and civil engineering" - the design, creation, exploitation, storage and reconstruction of building objects and systems. With special type of activities: industrial and civil construction; water-economy and environmental construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage.
Доступ до подальшого навчання: Studying at graduate level training programs.
Інші особливості програми: The program is implemented by Ukrainian and English.
Інститут: Institute of Distance Education Construction and Civil Engineering
Кваліфікація: Bachelor in building and civil engineering
Рік вступу: 2020
Тривалість програми: 4 year
Кількість кредитів: 240 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу: None
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання:
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми:
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Students of specialty "Building and civil engineering" obtain necessary knowledge for the design, creation, maintenance, preservation and reconstruction of building facilities and systems, as well as in the architecture and construction sphere; public administration at the district level, cities and inner city areas; collective, public and personal services. They have the necessary knowledge in the field of the modern and energy-saving technologies of creation effective structures, products and materials for construction and erection works and reconstruction of building objects and roads, taking into account the trends in rational natural resources management and environmental protection. Education of students is inextricably linked with scientific work in the laboratories of departments using advanced equipment and software. Participation of students in the design and technological development process helps to successfully acquire the professional skills. Students undergo practical training at leading enterprises of the construction industry of the Western Region of Ukraine.
Набуті компетентності:
- the ability to understand the basic theoretical positions, concepts and principles of math, social and economic sciences;
- the ability to use critical thinking and application of basic theories, methods and principles of nature science;
- ability to work with geodetic instruments and use topographic material at the design and erection of building objects and engineering networks;
- the ability to create and use technical documentation;
- knowledge of manufacturing technology, the technical characteristics of modern building materials, products and structures, the ability to use them effectively in the design and erection of building objects;
- the ability to develop space-planning decisions of buildings and their use for future design;
- ability to evaluate and take into account climate, geotechnical and environmental features of the construction area in the design and erection of building objects;
- the ability to identify and assess the load and stress-strain state of soil foundations and bearing structures of buildings (structures), including the use of modern information technology;
- the ability to develop constructive solutions to building objects on the basis of knowledge of nomenclature and structural forms, the ability to calculate and design a bearing and enclosing building structures;
- the ability to develop and evaluate technical solutions to engineering networks;
- knowledge of current requirements of regulatory documents in the construction industry;
- ability to perform calculations and analyze of the economic calculations of the cost of building objects;
- to know the technological processes at the erection, finish and operation of buildings and structures as well as erection of engineering systems and networks;
- the ability to develop the rational organization and management of building process at erection, operation, repair and reconstruction of the building objects including the requirements of labor safety;
- knowledge of design principles of urban areas and objects of infrastructure;
- understanding of the requirements for reliability and facilities of providing of the reliability of building structures, buildings and engineering networks;
- basic knowledge and understanding of the special chapters on the student's choice: industrial and civil construction; water-economy and environmental construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage with a view to the future development of specialization and interdisciplinary approaches.
Форма навчання: part
Академічна мобільність: None, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures of ECTS
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: Dean of the Institute of Building and Environmental Engineering, Ph.D., Associate Professor Peter Kholod, tel. +380322582761, E-mail: petro.f.kholod@lpnu.ua; dyrekcia-ibid-223@ukr.net
Професійні профілі випускників: Generalized object of activity bachelor of specialty "Building and civil engineering" - the design, creation, exploitation, storage and reconstruction of building objects and systems. With special type of activities: industrial and civil construction; water-economy and environmental construction; city building and management; technologies of building constructions, products and materials; motor roads and airfields; bridges and transport tunnels; heat and gas supply and ventilation; water supply and sewerage.
Доступ до подальшого навчання: Studying at graduate level training programs.
Інші особливості програми: The program is implemented by Ukrainian and English.
Інститут: Institute of Distance Education