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Geodesy and land management
Geodesy and land management
- ability to use a variety of methods, including information technologies, for effective communication on professional and social levels;
- ability to be responsible towards implemented work and to achieve the goal with compliance of requirements of professional ethics;
- apply knowledge and comprehensions to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems of specialty using known methods;
- apply knowledge of technical characteristics, structural features, purpose and rules of operation of machinery and equipment to solve technical problems of geodesy and land management; - ability to search information from various sources and perform work using basic skills on professional theme;
- ability to organize their own activities for effective time management;
- ability to apply and integrate the knowledge and comprehensions of disciplines of other engineering branches;
- ability to combine theory and practice, and make decisions to solve problems of specialty considering human values, social, civil and industrial interests;
- communication skills including verbal and written communication in Ukrainian and one of foreign languages;
- ability to understand the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquiring new professional knowledge.
Кваліфікація: Bachelor of Geodesy and Land Management
Рік вступу: 2016
Тривалість програми: 3 years
Кількість кредитів: 180 credits ECTS
Рівень кваліфікації відповідно до Національної рамки кваліфікацій, Європейської рамки кваліфікацій для навчання впродовж життя: First (Bachelor) level, 7-th level of NQF, EHEA first Cycle
Галузь знань: Architecture and construction
Особливі умови вступу: No
Конкретні механізми визнання попереднього навчання: If previous education level had been obtained in another country it is required nostrification, which is held by Lviv Polytechnic National University. There is no machinery of recognition of non-formal and informal education.
Вимоги та правила щодо отримання кваліфікації, вимоги щодо виконання навчальної програми: The full implementation of the programme
Характеристика освітньої програми:
Набуті компетентності: The programme is based on the known principles and results of modern scientific researches on geodesy and land management and orients to actual specializations within which it is possible further professional and scientific career: geodesy, cadastre and land management, valuation of land and real estate, geographic information systems and technologies, photogrammetry and remote sensing.
Students of major "Geodesy and Land Management" obtain necessary knowledge for geodetic, photogrammetric, land management and geoinformation training.
Experts in geodesy and land management have the necessary knowledge in the field of topography, geodetic and navigation instrument studies, cadastre, valuation of real property, aerial survey, technologies of mapping for various areas of science and production, are able to create geodata bases for a variety of geographic information systems.
Laboratory classes are held using the most advanced geodetic, photogrammetric and mapping equipment and software, it is first of all electronic total stations, digital levels, photogrammetric digital stations and various GPS-receivers.
In periods of practical trainings, students perform a variety of field and office works, get acquainted with the structures of surveying enterprises, acquire skills for processing of geodetic measurements and etc.
- ability to demonstrate knowledge and comprehensions of scientific and mathematical principles underlying geodesy and land management;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the professionally-oriented courses in the major geodesy and land management;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in at least one of the areas of geodesy and land management, geodesy; land management and cadastre, valuation of land and real estate; geographic information systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing;
- ability to demonstrate knowledge and comprehensions of design methodologies, corresponding regulative documents, current standards and technical specifications;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the current state of affairs and new technologies in the field of geodesy and land management;
- ability to apply knowledge and comprehensions to solve qualitative and quantitative problems, evaluation, interpretation and synthesis of information data;- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the professionally-oriented courses in the major geodesy and land management;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge in at least one of the areas of geodesy and land management, geodesy; land management and cadastre, valuation of land and real estate; geographic information systems and technologies; photogrammetry and remote sensing;
- ability to demonstrate knowledge and comprehensions of design methodologies, corresponding regulative documents, current standards and technical specifications;
- ability to demonstrate basic knowledge of the current state of affairs and new technologies in the field of geodesy and land management;
- ability to use a variety of methods, including information technologies, for effective communication on professional and social levels;
- ability to be responsible towards implemented work and to achieve the goal with compliance of requirements of professional ethics;
- apply knowledge and comprehensions to identify, formulate and solve engineering problems of specialty using known methods;
- apply knowledge of technical characteristics, structural features, purpose and rules of operation of machinery and equipment to solve technical problems of geodesy and land management; - ability to search information from various sources and perform work using basic skills on professional theme;
- ability to organize their own activities for effective time management;
- ability to apply and integrate the knowledge and comprehensions of disciplines of other engineering branches;
- ability to combine theory and practice, and make decisions to solve problems of specialty considering human values, social, civil and industrial interests;
- communication skills including verbal and written communication in Ukrainian and one of foreign languages;
- ability to understand the need for lifelong learning in order to deepen the acquired and acquiring new professional knowledge.
Форма навчання: part
Академічна мобільність: No, but mobility is encouraged and recognized in accordance with procedures ECTS
Практика/стажування: An important aspect of training in geodesy and land management is training and qualifying educational-technological practices that take place in laboratories of the Institute of Geodesy, geodetic training ground in city of Berezhany, educational-scientific geoinformational center in village Skhidnytsia, topographic and geodetic companies, cadastral office, departmental offices of engineering profile.
Керівник освітньої програми, контактна особа: Prof. Dr, Hlotov Volodymyr. 0979341978, volodymyr.m.hlotov@lpnu.ua
Професійні профілі випускників: Occupational profile - Geodesy (engineering geodesy, space geodesy)
Performs geodetic works during the construction and operation of buildings. Conducts complex of works at specialized mine surveying works and when hydrological investigations. Provides geodetic measurement by GPS methods and data processing. Measures acceleration of gravity and their gradients in the points of physical Earth's surface.
Occupational profile – Geospatial modelling
Carries out works on creation and maintenance of geospatial data, formation of a national geospatial data infrastructure. Performs works on designing and creating various maps including topographic, inventory, cadastral, operative, and etc. using modern digital technologies. Is working on the development and preparation atlases for the publication. Provides web mapping. Performs works on designing and developing geographic information systems for various purposes.
Occupational profile – Land Management and Cadastre
Performs registration of land and maintains records of the quantity and quality of land. Conducts cadastral land inventory and land zoning of the settlements territory. Design boundaries, denationalization and privatization of land. Performs monetary value of land. Provides legal and economic support of cadastral works. Organizes and plans the works on land management. Conducts state control over land use and protection.
Occupational profile – Evaluation of land and real estate
Students for professional direction “Evaluation of land and real estate” deal with organizing works on the evaluation of land and real estate, formation of evaluation reports by applying legal and regulatory framework, methodological approaches. During training, students are closely involved in development of various kinds of documents related to the assessment of land and real estate. Practical exercises are conducted using modern training equipment and software.
Occupational profile – Geographic information systems and technologies
Performs works on designing and creation of GIS of different directing for cartography, cadastre, urban planning, environmental protection, geology, hydrology and more. Implements introduction and operation of the above mentioned GIS. Creates information space for making smart management decisions based on geoinformation analysis.
Occupational profile – Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing
Develops and implements surveying work of territory using aerial survey, aerial and terrestrial laser scanning. Performs works on processing of digital and photogrammetric images in order to obtain topographic and thematic maps and plans for cartography, cadastre, ecology and others. Deals with processing of space images for creation of databases in thematic mapping. Conducts fieldworks on referencing images and interpretation of aerial and space images.
Доступ до подальшого навчання: The possibility of further training for the second education and professional and/or educational and scientific (master's) level of higher education
Інші особливості програми: Some semantic modules can be taught in English; it is possible academic mobility and students exchange in the framework of international projects/grants, on the base of bilateral agreements; there are possibility of participating in educational and qualification educational-technological practices abroad.
Інститут: Institute of Distance Education