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Phylosophical Problems of Sciencie Knowledge
Спеціальність: Highways and Airfields
Код дисципліни: 7.192.05.M.12
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Philosophy
Лектор: Doctor of Sciences in Philosophy, prof. Petrushenko V.L.
Семестр: 2 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Tasks of studying discipline: help students to understand the statement and features of modern science. One of the main tasks of the course is to explain the reasons for increasing the significance of scientific knowledge in the conditions of complication of social and civilization processes in modern society.
As a result of studying the discipline the student must:
- the peculiarities of modern science and its place in social life;
- differences between historical types of science, its connection with human personality, culture and basic spheres of social life;
- the most important criteria of scientific knowledge.
be able to:
- use the knowledge of the initial postulates and foundations of science for the planning of their research work;
- to compare and analyze different types of knowledge and historical types of science;
- to apply the philosophical and methodological apparatus of scientific theories in its own research work, using thus knowledge of methods and instruments of science.
As a result of studying the discipline the student must:
- the peculiarities of modern science and its place in social life;
- differences between historical types of science, its connection with human personality, culture and basic spheres of social life;
- the most important criteria of scientific knowledge.
be able to:
- use the knowledge of the initial postulates and foundations of science for the planning of their research work;
- to compare and analyze different types of knowledge and historical types of science;
- to apply the philosophical and methodological apparatus of scientific theories in its own research work, using thus knowledge of methods and instruments of science.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
- Prequests: philosophy, physics, mathematics.
- Korekvizit: disciplines of methodical and methodological direction.
- Korekvizit: disciplines of methodical and methodological direction.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Philosophy and science in the historical and structural-logical contexts. Problems of modern scientific methodology. Philosophical analysis of relations between the subject and the object of scientific cognition. Philosophical comprehension of the empirical basis of science. Problems of transition from the facts to the theory in modern scientific cognition. Philosophical problems of scientific heuristics. Philosophical context of determination of paradigmatic characteristics of social and humanitarian scientific knowledge.
Рекомендована література:
1. Petrushenko V.L. Philosophy and Methodology of Science: A tutorial book. - Lviv: Lviv Polytechnic Publishing, 2016.
2. Yerina AM, Zakhozhaі VB, Yerin DL Methodological research. - K., 2004.
3. The scientific worldview at the turn of the century. – K.: View. PARAPAN, 2006.
4. Worldview implications of science. - K.: View. PARAPAN, 2004
5. Analytical Philosophy: Selected Texts. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1993.
5. Introduction to the history and philosophy of science. - M : Academic project, 2005.
6. The 20 big questions in science. // Birch H., Stuart C., Keat Looi M. // The Guardian. The observer 01.09.2013.
2. Yerina AM, Zakhozhaі VB, Yerin DL Methodological research. - K., 2004.
3. The scientific worldview at the turn of the century. – K.: View. PARAPAN, 2006.
4. Worldview implications of science. - K.: View. PARAPAN, 2004
5. Analytical Philosophy: Selected Texts. - Moscow: Publishing House of Moscow State University, 1993.
5. Introduction to the history and philosophy of science. - M : Academic project, 2005.
6. The 20 big questions in science. // Birch H., Stuart C., Keat Looi M. // The Guardian. The observer 01.09.2013.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
- Current control (40%): oral interviews, presentations at seminars, tests, colloquium. - Final control (60%): the final control work, credit.