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Research Practice on the Theme of Master's Thesis
Спеціальність: Heat and gas supply and ventilation
Код дисципліни: 7.192.07.O.23
Кількість кредитів: 10.5
Кафедра: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Лектор: c.t.s.(PhD), docent Yurij Yurkevych
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Related practice by master`s thesis is important part of the educational process and aims to deepen, consolidate and supplement knowledge, acquired by student during studying all professional disciplines. Its aim is to develop skills and abilities to conduct research, to plan the experiment, solve engineering and organizational tasks, performed a critical analysis of technical solutions, develop proposals on their improvement, and if necessary, eliminate identified deficiencies. The practice aims to familiarize students with advanced technical solutions and modern materials in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation, mastering of advanced forms of production and maintenance of construction works, with the main technological processes in the manufacture and installation of elements of heat and gas supply and ventilation.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Heating, Ventilation, Hot Water Supply, Gas supply, Basics of Scientific Research.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Contents of Related practice by master`s thesis should meet its objectives include issues dealt with in the main sections of the master's thesis and in individual tasks and in schedule of works, with specified sequence and timing of individual sections of practice.
Requirements to practice on the topic of master`s thesis must take into account the specificity of each base of practice, but should reflect the integrated nature of master`s thesis, which should reflect all the major sections mastered by students of professional disciplines. During the practice students should learn the basic types of business, legal status, ownership, organizational structure, forms of enterprise work and role it plays in the industry. To study the structure of production and forms of manufacturing company. To master the technological cycle of production, the main range of products, its technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, progressive process of installation, maintenance, testing, repair, directions and ways of energy and resource conservation.
Рекомендована література:
1.Жуковський С.С., Лабай В.Й. Системи енергопостачання і забезпечення мікроклімату будинків та споруд: Навчальний посібник для ВЗО. - Львів: Астрономо-геодезичне товариство, 2000. - 259с.
2. ДБН 8.2.6-31:2006. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Теплова ізоляція будівель. К.: МБАЖКГУ, 2006.
3. Тихомиров Н.З. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция. М.: Стройиздат,198І
4. СНиП 2.04.05-Ш. Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование. М.: ЦНІП Госстроя СССР, 1987.
5. Справочник проектировщика "Внутренние санитарно-технические устройства", ч.І "Отопление", ч.ІІ.'Газоснабжение" /под ред. Староверова И.Г.,/- М.: Стройиздат, 1990.
2. ДБН 8.2.6-31:2006. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Теплова ізоляція будівель. К.: МБАЖКГУ, 2006.
3. Тихомиров Н.З. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция. М.: Стройиздат,198І
4. СНиП 2.04.05-Ш. Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование. М.: ЦНІП Госстроя СССР, 1987.
5. Справочник проектировщика "Внутренние санитарно-технические устройства", ч.І "Отопление", ч.ІІ.'Газоснабжение" /под ред. Староверова И.Г.,/- М.: Стройиздат, 1990.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Theoretical and practical training through internships in research laboratories, design organizations and enterprises from the operation of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation.
Research Training on the Theme of Master's Work
Спеціальність: Heat and gas supply and ventilation
Код дисципліни: 7.192.07.O.23
Кількість кредитів: 10.5
Кафедра: Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation
Лектор: c.t.s.(PhD), docent Yurij Yurkevych
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Related practice by master`s thesis is important part of the educational process and aims to deepen, consolidate and supplement knowledge, acquired by student during studying all professional disciplines. Its aim is to develop skills and abilities to conduct research, to plan the experiment, solve engineering and organizational tasks, performed a critical analysis of technical solutions, develop proposals on their improvement, and if necessary, eliminate identified deficiencies. The practice aims to familiarize students with advanced technical solutions and modern materials in the field of heat and gas supply and ventilation, mastering of advanced forms of production and maintenance of construction works, with the main technological processes in the manufacture and installation of elements of heat and gas supply and ventilation.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Heating, Ventilation, Hot Water Supply, Gas supply, Basics of Scientific Research.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Contents of Related practice by master`s thesis should meet its objectives include issues dealt with in the main sections of the master's thesis and in individual tasks and in schedule of works, with specified sequence and timing of individual sections of practice.
Requirements to practice on the topic of master`s thesis must take into account the specificity of each base of practice, but should reflect the integrated nature of master`s thesis, which should reflect all the major sections mastered by students of professional disciplines. During the practice students should learn the basic types of business, legal status, ownership, organizational structure, forms of enterprise work and role it plays in the industry. To study the structure of production and forms of manufacturing company. To master the technological cycle of production, the main range of products, its technical characteristics, advantages and disadvantages, progressive process of installation, maintenance, testing, repair, directions and ways of energy and resource conservation.
Рекомендована література:
1.Жуковський С.С., Лабай В.Й. Системи енергопостачання і забезпечення мікроклімату будинків та споруд: Навчальний посібник для ВЗО. - Львів: Астрономо-геодезичне товариство, 2000. - 259с.
2. ДБН 8.2.6-31:2006. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Теплова ізоляція будівель. К.: МБАЖКГУ, 2006.
3. Тихомиров Н.З. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция. М.: Стройиздат,198І
4. СНиП 2.04.05-Ш. Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование. М.: ЦНІП Госстроя СССР, 1987.
5. Справочник проектировщика "Внутренние санитарно-технические устройства", ч.І "Отопление", ч.ІІ.'Газоснабжение" /под ред. Староверова И.Г.,/- М.: Стройиздат, 1990.
2. ДБН 8.2.6-31:2006. Конструкції будинків і споруд. Теплова ізоляція будівель. К.: МБАЖКГУ, 2006.
3. Тихомиров Н.З. Теплотехника, теплогазоснабжение и вентиляция. М.: Стройиздат,198І
4. СНиП 2.04.05-Ш. Отопление, вентиляция и кондиционирование. М.: ЦНІП Госстроя СССР, 1987.
5. Справочник проектировщика "Внутренние санитарно-технические устройства", ч.І "Отопление", ч.ІІ.'Газоснабжение" /под ред. Староверова И.Г.,/- М.: Стройиздат, 1990.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Theoretical and practical training through internships in research laboratories, design organizations and enterprises from the operation of Heat and Gas Supply and Ventilation.