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Pedagogical Fundamentals of Vocational Educational Institution Organization and Management

Спеціальність: Professional Education
Код дисципліни: 8.015.00.M.27
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Лектор: Professor Sikorsky Petro Ivanovich
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
a) students should know:
• the essence of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Vocational Education";
• Principles of school management;
• the essence of basic management concepts ("leader", "manager", "leader", "image of the leader");
• structure of management cycle, management functions;
• basic qualities and traits of the head of the educational institution;
• management decision-making algorithm, their types and forms;
• types of planning of the educational process, their structure and content;
• basic approaches to the modeling of control and evaluation systems;
• powers of collegial bodies of management of the educational institution (general meeting (conference), pedagogical council, board of trustees, school council);
• algorithm for conducting certification of pedagogical staff;
• major milestones of V. Sukhomlinsky's managerial experience;
b) students should be able to:
• Compare leadership styles (democratic, liberal, authoritarian);
• make a career growth algorithm;
• make different types of management decisions (orders, orders, decisions);
• resolve conflict situations;
• make an annual plan of work, a weekly plan of work for the manager;
• make a modular-calendar plan of the subject and lesson plans on a given topic (modules);
• to model specifically the control and evaluation system according to the given parameters;
• prepare a report to the pedagogical council on a given topic and decision on it;
• Prepare a certificate of performance and a letter of assessment for a teacher in a given qualification category.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
1.Professional pedagogy
2. The theory and practice of mobility professionalism
3.Theory and methodology of vocational
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The dynamism of the socio-economic processes taking place in the modern world poses special requirements for the organization of management in vocational education institutions. Market conditions, state decentralization policy have exacerbated the problem of training skilled workers for vocational schools. In particular, by funding vocational schools from the local budget, local authorities require adaptation of workers' training to local needs. There are other problems. Therefore, the proposed discipline, based on general management approaches, examines the features of managing a vocational school in the context of decentralization and the market, given that the preparation of the employee is high-budget. The course is structured, consisting of 15 paragraphs, each of which is designed for one lecture. In addition to the title, the paragraph contains the purpose and plan for studying the topic. All supporting elements of knowledge are in bold. In each paragraph, the training material is generalized, summarized and systematized. At the end of the paragraph, there are questions and test tasks for self-control, as well as tasks for independent work.
Рекомендована література:
I. Basic
1. Danilenko LI Modern approaches to the management of vocational schools: Educational method. / Danilenko LI, Sereeva LM etc.; For the title. ed. VV Oliinyk. - K.: Etis Plus LLC, 2007. - 104
1. Danilenko LI Modernization of the content, forms and methods of management activity of the director of a comprehensive school [monograph] // LI. Danilenko. - [2 is a type.] - K .: Logos, 2002. - 140 p.
2. Danilenko LI Modernization of the content, forms and methods of managerial activity of the director of a comprehensive school. K .: Logos, 2002. - 140 p.
3. Danilenko LI Management of innovative activity in general educational institutions // LI Danilenko. - K .: Millennium, 2004. - 358p.
4. Darlow D. Key management decisions. Decision-making technology. - K .: Naukova Dumka, 2001. - 242s.
5. Drobyazko P. Improving the work of the pedagogical council // Headmaster. - 2000. - №7. - P.9.
6. The Law of Ukraine "On Vocational Education".

7. Regulations on the organization of educational and production process in vocational schools. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 30.05.2006 №419.
8. Pomaran PI Marketing management of PTSD in modern conditions / PI. Pomaran // Vocational education. - 2015. - №4. - pp. 12-13.
II. Auxiliary
1. Danilenko LI Management of innovation in education. - K .: Shk. World, 2007. - 120 p.
2. Glossary of basic terms of vocational education and training.
3. Collection of information and analytical materials.
1. Marmaz OI Project approach to the management of an educational institution. - X .: Basis, 2003.
2. Scientific basis of school management / Ed. GV Elnikov. - Х .: ХДШ, 1991. - 170с.
3. Education of Ukraine: Regulatory documents. - K.: Millennium, 2001. - 472 pp..
4. Preparation of the head of secondary education institution: / syllabus. L.I. Danilenko. - K.: Millennium, 2004. - 272s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Oral interviewing, testing (40%)
Final control (60%, credit)

Pedagogical Fundamentals of Vocational Educational Institution Organization and Management

Спеціальність: Vocational Education (by subject specialization)
Код дисципліни: 8.015.00.M.27
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Department of Pedagogics and Innovative Education
Лектор: Professor Sikorsky Petro Ivanovich
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
a) students should know:
• the essence of the Laws of Ukraine "On Education" and "On Vocational Education";
• Principles of school management;
• the essence of basic management concepts ("leader", "manager", "leader", "image of the leader");
• structure of management cycle, management functions;
• basic qualities and traits of the head of the educational institution;
• management decision-making algorithm, their types and forms;
• types of planning of the educational process, their structure and content;
• basic approaches to the modeling of control and evaluation systems;
• powers of collegial bodies of management of the educational institution (general meeting (conference), pedagogical council, board of trustees, school council);
• algorithm for conducting certification of pedagogical staff;
• major milestones of V. Sukhomlinsky's managerial experience;
b) students should be able to:
• Compare leadership styles (democratic, liberal, authoritarian);
• make a career growth algorithm;
• make different types of management decisions (orders, orders, decisions);
• resolve conflict situations;
• make an annual plan of work, a weekly plan of work for the manager;
• make a modular-calendar plan of the subject and lesson plans on a given topic (modules);
• to model specifically the control and evaluation system according to the given parameters;
• prepare a report to the pedagogical council on a given topic and decision on it;
• Prepare a certificate of performance and a letter of assessment for a teacher in a given qualification category.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
1.Professional pedagogy
2. The theory and practice of mobility professionalism
3.Theory and methodology of vocational
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The dynamism of the socio-economic processes taking place in the modern world poses special requirements for the organization of management in vocational education institutions. Market conditions, state decentralization policy have exacerbated the problem of training skilled workers for vocational schools. In particular, by funding vocational schools from the local budget, local authorities require adaptation of workers' training to local needs. There are other problems. Therefore, the proposed discipline, based on general management approaches, examines the features of managing a vocational school in the context of decentralization and the market, given that the preparation of the employee is high-budget. The course is structured, consisting of 15 paragraphs, each of which is designed for one lecture. In addition to the title, the paragraph contains the purpose and plan for studying the topic. All supporting elements of knowledge are in bold. In each paragraph, the training material is generalized, summarized and systematized. At the end of the paragraph, there are questions and test tasks for self-control, as well as tasks for independent work.
Рекомендована література:
I. Basic
1. Danilenko LI Modern approaches to the management of vocational schools: Educational method. / Danilenko LI, Sereeva LM etc.; For the title. ed. VV Oliinyk. - K.: Etis Plus LLC, 2007. - 104
1. Danilenko LI Modernization of the content, forms and methods of management activity of the director of a comprehensive school [monograph] // LI. Danilenko. - [2 is a type.] - K .: Logos, 2002. - 140 p.
2. Danilenko LI Modernization of the content, forms and methods of managerial activity of the director of a comprehensive school. K .: Logos, 2002. - 140 p.
3. Danilenko LI Management of innovative activity in general educational institutions // LI Danilenko. - K .: Millennium, 2004. - 358p.
4. Darlow D. Key management decisions. Decision-making technology. - K .: Naukova Dumka, 2001. - 242s.
5. Drobyazko P. Improving the work of the pedagogical council // Headmaster. - 2000. - №7. - P.9.
6. The Law of Ukraine "On Vocational Education".

7. Regulations on the organization of educational and production process in vocational schools. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine from 30.05.2006 №419.
8. Pomaran PI Marketing management of PTSD in modern conditions / PI. Pomaran // Vocational education. - 2015. - №4. - pp. 12-13.
II. Auxiliary
1. Danilenko LI Management of innovation in education. - K .: Shk. World, 2007. - 120 p.
2. Glossary of basic terms of vocational education and training.
3. Collection of information and analytical materials.
1. Marmaz OI Project approach to the management of an educational institution. - X .: Basis, 2003.
2. Scientific basis of school management / Ed. GV Elnikov. - Х .: ХДШ, 1991. - 170с.
3. Education of Ukraine: Regulatory documents. - K.: Millennium, 2001. - 472 pp..
4. Preparation of the head of secondary education institution: / syllabus. L.I. Danilenko. - K.: Millennium, 2004. - 272s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Oral interviewing, testing (40%)
Final control (60%, credit)