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Modelling of Global Economic Development
Спеціальність: International economic relations
Код дисципліни: 8.056.00.O.13
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Management and International Business
Лектор: Dr. Sc. in Economics, Prof. Bublyk M.I.
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
ZN 1. Knowledge of the theoretical foundations of global economic integration.
ZN 2. To have systematic and organizational-economic structures of global economic integration.
ZN 3. The ruling structure and supports the functioning of the global economy as the only regional association, the highest level of integration, in the world economy.
LN 4. Owning the basics has made a serious development at the global level, its essence and basic principles.
UM 1. Close the basic principles of using global economic integration for management development, developing and operating at the national level regulation at the global level.
UM 2. The methodology and tools of scientific research are collected and applied in scientific theoretical activity and in the world economy.
ZN 2. To have systematic and organizational-economic structures of global economic integration.
ZN 3. The ruling structure and supports the functioning of the global economy as the only regional association, the highest level of integration, in the world economy.
LN 4. Owning the basics has made a serious development at the global level, its essence and basic principles.
UM 1. Close the basic principles of using global economic integration for management development, developing and operating at the national level regulation at the global level.
UM 2. The methodology and tools of scientific research are collected and applied in scientific theoretical activity and in the world economy.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Previous subjects (prerequisites): 1. Modern theories of world economic development. 2. Global problems and challenges of economic development.
Related and following subjects (co-requisites): 1. Socio-economic diagnostics in the conditions of globalization. 2. Intellectualization and informatization of world economic development.
Related and following subjects (co-requisites): 1. Socio-economic diagnostics in the conditions of globalization. 2. Intellectualization and informatization of world economic development.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Topic 1. The theory of development of models of the global economy.
Topic 2. Principles and principles of modeling of the global economy.
Theme 3. Modeling of the institutional structure of the global economy on the example of the EU.
Theme 4. Modeling of budgeting on a global level, following the example of the EU.
Theme 5. Modeling of agrarian development of the global economy.
Theme 6. Simulation of trade development of the global economy.
Topic 7. Modeling the social development of the global economy.
Theme 8. Modeling of regional development of the global economy.
Рекомендована література:
1. Bochan IO Global Economy / IIO. Bochan, I.R. Mikhasyuk - K .: Logos. - 2007 - 246s.
2. Ovcharenko NE Models of modern integration processes / NE Ovcharenko. - K .: Prospect, 2008. –450 p.
3. Shamburovsky GO Global Economic Integration Management: A Textbook of Approved. MESU / G. Shamburovsky, S.M. Pisarenko, L.A. Ukrainian and other - K. Knowledge. 2012. - 273p.
4. Vitlinsky VV Modeling the Global Economy: A Study. manual. - K .: KNEU, 2003. - 408 p.
5. Filippo di Mauro and M. Hashem Pesaran (Eds.) The GVAR Handbook: The Structure and Applications of a Macro Model of Global Economy for Policy Analysis, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2013. - 304 p.
6. Leslie Hamilton and Philip Webster. The International Business Environment. Fourth Edition, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2018 - 488 p.
7. Anne O. Krueger International Trade. What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2020. - 288 p.
8. Manfred B. Steger Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Fifth Edition, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2020 - 192 p.
9. Ian Goldin and Kenneth Reinert Globalization for Development. Meeting New Challenges. New Edition, 2020. - 368 p.
University Press, 2017. - 592 p.
2. Ovcharenko NE Models of modern integration processes / NE Ovcharenko. - K .: Prospect, 2008. –450 p.
3. Shamburovsky GO Global Economic Integration Management: A Textbook of Approved. MESU / G. Shamburovsky, S.M. Pisarenko, L.A. Ukrainian and other - K. Knowledge. 2012. - 273p.
4. Vitlinsky VV Modeling the Global Economy: A Study. manual. - K .: KNEU, 2003. - 408 p.
5. Filippo di Mauro and M. Hashem Pesaran (Eds.) The GVAR Handbook: The Structure and Applications of a Macro Model of Global Economy for Policy Analysis, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2013. - 304 p.
6. Leslie Hamilton and Philip Webster. The International Business Environment. Fourth Edition, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2018 - 488 p.
7. Anne O. Krueger International Trade. What Everyone Needs to Know, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2020. - 288 p.
8. Manfred B. Steger Globalization: A Very Short Introduction. Fifth Edition, Oxford Scholarship Online, 2020 - 192 p.
9. Ian Goldin and Kenneth Reinert Globalization for Development. Meeting New Challenges. New Edition, 2020. - 368 p.
University Press, 2017. - 592 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
1. Current poll
2. Listening to a speech on a given topic
3. Execution and presentation of the results of the individual research task.
4. Conducting a slice of knowledge in the form of a test.
5. Semester exam.
2. Listening to a speech on a given topic
3. Execution and presentation of the results of the individual research task.
4. Conducting a slice of knowledge in the form of a test.
5. Semester exam.