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Workshop on Research in Criminal Proceedings

Спеціальність: Law
Код дисципліни: 8.081.00.M.39
Кількість кредитів: 5
Кафедра: Criminal Law and Procedure
Лектор: Professor Vladimir Kantsir
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Graduate students should know:
- effective methods and approaches to research work in the field of criminal proceedings;
- history of procedural law and its origins;
- the current criminal procedural law;
- scientific concepts and trends in procedural law in Ukraine;
- the structure and powers of which implement legislation on criminal procedure, forms and methods of implementation;
- the practice of procedural law, practice of the investigation, the prosecutor, the court, the lawyer-defender in criminal proceedings;
- procedural means of crime prevention;
- the main problems of criminal procedural doctrines and practices, and the prospect of further development and improvement of the criminal process.
- guarantee the function and form of the criminal proceedings;
- procedural - legal content stage of criminal proceedings;
- basic procedural deadlines and costs;
- concept and types of subjects (participants) of criminal proceedings of their procedural status;
- foreign argument on pre-trial investigation and trial, and their improvement.
Be able:
- use all known methods of modern science issues in criminal proceedings;
- to make generalizations historical, statistical and developments through interviews with the position of expediency and efficiency to offer implementation and testing;
- to understand, interpret and apply the rules of criminal procedure;
- formulate diverse recommendations on all proceedings;
- fully, completely, objectively and quickly establish the necessary circumstances of the criminal case;
- develop means and methods of proof and truth in criminal cases in practice;
- apply in criminal proceedings advances in science and technology as well as best practices in scientific research activities, practical law enforcement use modern methods of scientific organization of labor investigator, prosecutor, judge, lawyer in criminal proceedings;
- analyze theoretical developments in the field of procedural law and make independent findings.
Study discipline involves the formation and development of postgraduate general competencies:
- The ability to produce innovative research ideas to master the methodology of scientific and educational activities, solve complex problems in the process of innovation and research and professional activities, conduct original research at national and international levels.
- Ability to initiate and conduct original research, identify relevant scientific problems critical to search and analyze information to produce innovative design ideas and implement innovative approaches to solving difficult and unusual problems.
- Ability to identify oratorical and rhetorical skills during the presentation of research results, to professional scientific discussion and debate on a broad scientific community and the public in Ukrainian generate scientific texts in writing, organize and conduct training sessions, using advanced information and communication tools.
- The ability to be focused and persistent, lifelong self-improvement, to realize social and moral responsibility for the obtained scientific results.
- Ability to initiate, justify and manage relevant research projects of innovative character, to conduct research, engage in collective and exercise leadership in carrying out research projects.
Professional competence:
- Deep understanding of legal mechanisms to ensure and protect human rights and freedoms, philosophical and methodological problems of thinking in the context of globalization and European integration.
- In-depth understanding of the laws of formation and development of law of Ukraine on the various stages of its history.
- In-depth understanding of the formation of the national legal system of Ukraine and its adaptation to European law; relationship and interaction between national and international law.
- In-depth understanding of methodological and applied the principles of legal maintenance of national security and international law.
Deep understanding of contemporary legal problems of information sphere of Ukraine.
- Deep understanding of fundamental and applied problems of scientific support to combat crime and corruption, reform of the criminal justice system of Ukraine in terms of European integration and globalization.
- In-depth understanding of methodological and applied the principles of legal maintenance of national security and international law.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Current issues of theory and practice in the field of criminal law;
Current issues of theory and practice in the field of penal law.
Current issues of theory and practice in the field of criminology and operational activities;
Current issues of theory and practice in the field of criminal proceedings.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
"Workshop on research in the field of criminal procedure" as an academic discipline, refers to the legal profession-oriented disciplines and plays a leading role in the training of scientists - lawyers. Academic discipline is based on a procedural law, its application and Science criminal proceedings. From the standpoint of scientific research, research and approbation of work, it examines the current procedural law, judicial process and legal proceedings, theory and history of criminal proceedings. Trajectory monitoring study are the patterns and trends of criminal procedure system of its principles, actual problems of the theory and practice of criminal proceedings, the effectiveness of procedural forms and procedural guarantees justice, especially the status of individual actors, the problem of ensuring human rights and freedoms in the implementation of justice makes suggestions and recommendations for improvement of procedural law and practice. It is based on a generalization of investigative, judicial, prosecutorial and legal practice. The subject of discipline is oposeredkom scientific research, research and approbation of laws to identify and examine procedural law, procedural activities and legal proceedings, ways to improve the conceptual model of justice, characteristics and trends of the theory and history of criminal proceedings
Рекомендована література:
Investigative (search) actions: teach. manual / OV Avramenko, R.I. Blaguta, Yu.V. Hutsulak et al .; for the total. ed. R.I. Blaguty, EV The thrush. - Lviv: Lviv Department of Internal Affairs, 2014. - 416 p.
Criminal process of Ukraine: study. manual / for the general ed. prof. W. S. Kantir. - Lviv: Publisher of Lviv Polytechnic, 2015. - 371 p
Written D., Udalova L., Rozhnova D. Criminal process. Scheme album. K .: Center for Educational Literature, 2017. 406 p. pdf
Criminal process: textbook. Boyko OP, Garkusha AG, Zakharko AV, Litvinov VV, Rogalskaya VV, Serbin MM, Soldatenko OA, Fedchenko VM, Chernyak N .P. Kerr. ed. qty. Dr. Jur. Sciences, Assoc. OF Kobzar. In 2 parts. Dnipro: Dnipro. state. un-t inside. affairs; Lira LTD, 2017. 337 p.
Tertyshnik VM Scientific and Practical Commentary on the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine. Kind. 14th, supplemented and reworked. K .: Legal Unity, 2017. 828 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Evaluation methods of knowledge (training success) are: preliminary, current and final control of knowledge of graduates.
Previous control is a diagnostic input level of knowledge that helps identify existing knowledge of graduate students at the beginning of the study subjects or early study of a particular topic. The form of the previous control is the control input of knowledge. It is held the first workshops to assess residual graduate knowledge obtained during the study cycle courses at the same level of education. Previous control in type testing and evaluation of residual knowledge is also carried out some time early next seminars. Input control knowledge held in the form of a written definition of certain concepts, categories or procedural - legal phenomena for 10 - 15 minutes at the start of classes.
Incoming graduate students knowledge control is included in the score for seminary or practice session.
Current control knowledge is an integral part of the whole learning process and serves as a means to identify the perception (learning) training material discipline.
Careful assessment of graduate students based on current knowledge control is through control of the activity during the study course program material, including answers to seminars, preparation of reports and analysis reports and more.
Current control on seminars conducted to elucidate readiness to graduate studies in the following forms:
- standardized frontal verbal questioning graduate seminar on key issues;
- frontal checking homework; some graduate students call for independent solving practical problems or situations;
- blitz - polls, which is either a complete survey of all participants graduate or sample survey of the audience. Questions on the subject (some themes), which was preparing for seminars, provide clear short answer. In blitz poll every graduate student has the right to answer only once;
- Other.
Independent and individual graduate work provides targeted search for effective ways of learning discipline, awareness and consistency of work, the ability to use existing literature and regulatory framework to plan own work.
Final control of knowledge in favor of graduate credit. The structure of tasks record, according to the specifics include:
- tests of different levels of difficulty,
- a theoretical issue or problem regulatory nature.
Criteria for evaluating learning outcomes:
Practical classes – 40
Scientific research tasks, reports at conferences, abstracts, scientific publications, draft decisions, VNS activity, etc. - 60