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Theoretical Basics of Environmental Technologies, Part 1
Спеціальність: Environmental Studies
Код дисципліни: 8.101.00.M.20
Кількість кредитів: 6
Кафедра: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Лектор: Doctor of science, prof. Dyachok Vasil
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
• the ability to solve complex problems in the field of ecology and environmental protection through the application of methods and methods of purification of the environment from pollutants, as well as the typical technologies of industrial treatment facilities of various types of complexity and to create technologies that are efficient, economically sound, environmentally sound and resource-saving;
• possess conceptual and methodological knowledge in the field of natural sciences and be able to apply them to professional activity at the border of subject areas;
• the ability to independently carry out experimental research and to apply research skills, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for solving scientific and applied problems taking into account human values, social, state and industrial interests;
• be able to develop an algorithm for solving a scientific-applied problem and initiate an original research and innovation technological project that has scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value, and helps to solve significant scientific or security problems;
• the ability to develop measures to reduce the negative impact of the project on the environment and health of the population, which must be taken into account when assessing the impact.
• possess conceptual and methodological knowledge in the field of natural sciences and be able to apply them to professional activity at the border of subject areas;
• the ability to independently carry out experimental research and to apply research skills, as well as to make decisions and develop a strategy for solving scientific and applied problems taking into account human values, social, state and industrial interests;
• be able to develop an algorithm for solving a scientific-applied problem and initiate an original research and innovation technological project that has scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value, and helps to solve significant scientific or security problems;
• the ability to develop measures to reduce the negative impact of the project on the environment and health of the population, which must be taken into account when assessing the impact.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
• Fundamentals of environmental biotechnology;
• Scientific basics of simulations and prognostification of the environment.
• Innovative Technologies Treatment and Utilization of Solid Industrial and Municipal Wastes.
• Scientific basics of simulations and prognostification of the environment.
• Innovative Technologies Treatment and Utilization of Solid Industrial and Municipal Wastes.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Theoretical foundations of environmental technologies іs discipline, that engages in the study of the variety of processes, equipment and technologies ofcleaning of industrial extrass is taken to the study of far of typical technologies, methods and methods from that the productive sewage
treatment plants of different type of complication can be synthesized. In this course study the mechanical, physical, physical and chemical, chemical and biological methods of cleaning of
industrial wastes; the simplest methods and methods of control of muddiness of environment,
machine, vehicles, equipments and flowsheets, are for their realization. Examples of calculation and planning of equipment are made for realization of technological process.
Рекомендована література:
1. Фізико-хімічні основи технології очищення стічних вод/ за заг. редакцією проф. А.К.Запольського/. -К.: Лібра, 2000. –552 с.
2. Бурдіян Б.Г., Дерев’янко В.О., Кривульченко А.І. Навколишнє середовище та його охорона. -К.: Вища школа, 1993. –227 с.
3. Балабеков О.С., Балтабаев Л.Ш. Очистка газов в химической промышленности. Процессы и аппараты. -М.: Химия, 1991. –251 с.
4. Торошечников Н.С., Родионов А.И., Кельцев Н.С., Клушин В.И. Техника защиты окружающей среды. –М.: Химия, 1981. –368 с.
5. Дячок В.В., Мартиняк О-Р.В. Методичні вказівки до практичних занять. Методична розробка. - Львів, 2009. -25 с.
2. Бурдіян Б.Г., Дерев’янко В.О., Кривульченко А.І. Навколишнє середовище та його охорона. -К.: Вища школа, 1993. –227 с.
3. Балабеков О.С., Балтабаев Л.Ш. Очистка газов в химической промышленности. Процессы и аппараты. -М.: Химия, 1991. –251 с.
4. Торошечников Н.С., Родионов А.И., Кельцев Н.С., Клушин В.И. Техника защиты окружающей среды. –М.: Химия, 1981. –368 с.
5. Дячок В.В., Мартиняк О-Р.В. Методичні вказівки до практичних занять. Методична розробка. - Львів, 2009. -25 с.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
• Current control, oral examination (30%)
• Final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)
• Final control (control measure, exam), written-oral form (70%)