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Pedagogical Workshops

Спеціальність: Applied mathematics
Код дисципліни: 8.113.00.O.10
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Applied Mathematics
Лектор: PhD, Assistant Professor Bohdan V. Hnativ
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
Be able to:
-- to have the practice of transferring professional knowledge, the ability to analyze and determine the goals of the training based on theoretical approaches in the methodology of vocational education;
-- to design the content of training, to develop and use didactic means of methodical support of training.

-- theoretical and methodological foundations and categorical apparatus of professional pedagogy.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Related and following courses:
- Additional sections in computational mathematics.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Among the production functions of the future teacher of the vocational school, the leading are organizational function; technological function (control and correction of learning technologies, implementation of educational process). Obviously, in order to be able to effectively manage the cognitive activity of a student, a teacher of vocational disciplines must have a deep knowledge of professional pedagogy, psychology, and methods of vocational training. Developing the ability of future teachers to analyze, solve and develop complex methodological problems and practical tasks during their professional activity is called the discipline "Pedagogical Workshop".
Рекомендована література:
1. Dychkivska I.M. 1nnovatsiini pedahohichki tekhnolohii : navch. posib K.: Akademvydav, 2004. 352 s.
2. Kovalenko E. Je. Metodika professional'nogo obuchenija. — H.: Shtrih, 2003. 480 s.
3. Ortynskyi V.L. Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly : navch. Posib. dlia stud. VNZ. K.: Tsentr uchbovoi lieratury, 2009. 472 s.
4. Pedahohika vyshchoi shkoly. Navch.pos. Za red. Z. Kurliand. — K.: Znannia, 2005. — 399 s.
5. Hugorskoj A.V. Praktikum po didaktike i sovremennym metodikam obuchenija / A.V. Hutorskoj. Spb.: Piter, 2004. 541 s.

1. Hlosarii osnovnykh terminiv profesiinoi osvity i navchannia / uporiad. Desiatov T.M.; za zah. red. N.H. Nychkalo. K.: ArtEk, 2009. 192 s.
2. Zeer Je. F. Psihologija professij. M.:, 1996. 336 s.
3. Sushentseva L. Kontseptualыi zasady rozvytku profesino-tekhnichno osvity. Profesiino-tekhnichna osvita. 2009. MZ. S. 30-31.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Forms of assessment: current and credit control.
Assessment methods: oral questioning, discussion, and evaluation of the quality of lecturing, practical and laboratory classes.

Current control - 40 points.
The level of lectures - 26 points.
The level of practical training - 20 points.
The level of laboratory work - 14 points.
Total for the discipline - 100 points.