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Business English

Спеціальність: Software engineering
Код дисципліни: 8.121.00.M.15
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Foreign Languages
Лектор: Zakaulova Julia Ph.D. (Education), Associate Professor
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
By the end of the study learners are expected to be able to:
• communicate in academic and professional environment including holding negotiations, signing treaties, holding job interviews, being interviewed.
• make public presentations on a number of general issues in the political, economic, cultural and engineering spheres using appropriate linguistic and non-linguistic means of communication;
• write e-mails for educational, business and academic purposes conveying information of immediate relevance /close to academic environment and professional life;
• write forum posts and comments, expressing their own opinion and commenting on other opinions, agreeing/disagreeing on what can be found in social media and virtual learning environment;
• compile a range of specific documents for academic events with an appropriate degree of accuracy and adequacy, among them are: scientific conferences, research exchange programs, job-placement programs, grant proposals, etc.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
The level of knowledge B2
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Academic and Professional Socializing. (Business e-mails. Kinds of business letters. Job interviews.Getting prepared for a job interview. Compiling resumes and cover letters. Compiling a recommendation letter. Grant proposals.) Business English and Academic English peculiarities. Negotiations and presentations. The formal and informal English style of writing and communicating. Formal British and American English. Academic vocabulary and academic grammar for writing summaries, academic essays and scientific articles. Making presentations on an academic thesis.
Рекомендована література:
1. Яхонтова Т. В. Я-908 Основи англомовного наукового письма: Навч. посібник для студентів, аспірантів і науковців. - Вид. 2-ге. - Львів: ПАІС, 2003. - 220 с.
2. Azar B.S (999) Understanding and Using English Grammar. New York: Pearson Education – 437p.
3. Comfort, J. (1996) Effective Telephoning. Oxford: Oxford University Press. – 126 p.
4. Ellis, M. and Nina O’Driscoll (1992) Socialising. Longmann. – 129 p.
5. Evans, V. (2005) Round Up 6. English Grammar Book. Longman.
6. Academic Vocabulary in Use. Cambridge university press.
7. Academic grammar and vocabulary. Cambridge university press.
8. Словники.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control: monologue and dialogical speech, reading, writing. Control test.

Final control: differentiated test/credit.

The distribution of points according to a 100-point scale
Current control (CC) Total for the discipline
Classroom work / self-study 100
Writing business letters 10
Academic vocabulary 5
Speaking 5
Academic grammar 5
Writing summaries 15
Grant proposal 10
Presentation on dissertation 10
Control test 40