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Psychology of Creativity and Invention

Спеціальність: Micro- and nano-system technology
Код дисципліни: 8.153.00.M.13
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Theoretical and Applied Psychology
Лектор: Professor Olena Leshchynska
Семестр: 3 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
To know:
- philosophical and methodological context of the psychological problem of creativity; creative nature of human self-determination;
- leading theoretical models of creativity, creative thinking, etc.; the main stages of the creative process;
- Leading psychological technologies of creative talent development in science and technology;
- psychological mechanisms of the basic creative mental processes: imagination, thinking, intuition
Be able:
analyze creative activity as a process;
- to analyze complex forms of creative activity in technology and science;
- evaluate the degree of originality of products of creative activity;
- Reflect on their own strategies of creative activity;
- algorithmize creative tasks in accordance with system theory
- solving inventive problems. have an idea of: conceptual models of creative activity;
- psychological means of increasing the motivation of creative activity;
- ways of optimizing creative activity in science and technology.

Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
- Psychology;
- philosophy and methodology of science
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The program of the discipline "Psychology of Creativity and Invention" is made in accordance with the educational program of the third (educational and scientific) level of higher education, specialty 01 Educational and pedagogical sciences. The "Psychology of Creativity and Invention" refers to the disciplines that shape the general scientific competencies and universal skills of the graduate student of choice. "The psychology of creativity and invention" - a branch of scientific psychology, which studies the psychological patterns of creative activity, which are manifested in the fields of science and technology. Creative activity is considered to be an innovation - the creation of new ideas or things not yet known to mankind, or the improvement of those that already exist. The subject of the discipline is the components of creative activity that inspire, direct, regulate and realize creativity as a personality trait. The educational base of the discipline "Psychology of creativity and invention" is the knowledge gained in the study of various courses aimed at revealing the general patterns and mechanisms of creative processes in professional activity. The course has a pronounced integrative and applied focus. It is based on modern ideas about the phenomena of creativity and invention in various fields of human activity. The course provides an opportunity to deepen and integrate the knowledge gained in mastering other disciplines: philosophy and methodology of science, management of scientific projects and professional pedagogy. The practical course of the course "Psychology of Creativity and Invention" is of direct practical importance for the preparation of the graduate student's personality for independent scientific research and creation of his own scientific product or technical invention. This course contributes to the formation of creative research thinking and the consolidation of professional ethical attitudes of the future specialist.
Рекомендована література:

1. Klymenko V.V. Psykholohiya tvorchosti. K.: Tsentr navchal?noyi literatury, 2006. – 480 s
2. Meerovych M.Y. Teoryy reshenyya yzobretatel?skykh zadach / Meerovych M.Y., Shrahyna L.Y. -Mynsk: Kharvest, 2003. ± 428 s.
3. Molyako V.O. (red.) Zdibnosti, tvorchist?, obdarovanist?: teoriya, metodyka, rezul?taty doslidzhen?. - Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo Ruta, 2006. – 320 s.
4. Rybalko V.V. Psykholohichna kharakterystyka tvorchosti, tvorchoyi osobystosti ta sutnist? osobystisnoho pidkhodu// Praktychna psykholohiya ta sotsial?na robota. – 2011, vyp. 3. – S. 1-7.
5. Romenets? V. A. Psykholohiya tvorchosti – K.: Lybid?, 2001. – 288 s.
6. Turynina O.L. Psykholohiya tvorchosti : Navchal?nyy posibnyk. – K: MAUP, 2007. – 160 s.
7. Shvay .R. Psykholohiya ta pedahohika tvorchosti. – L?viv.: v-vo «L?vivs?ka politekhnika», 2014 – 200 s.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Assessment of student learning outcomes is carried out in accordance with the 100-point assessment scale established at Lviv Polytechnic National University, in accordance with the Student Achievement Rating Regulation.
The final assessment of the course consists of the assessment of the PC of the semester's learning outcomes and the assessment of the learning outcomes during the control measure during the IC.
Practical classes are conducted on the main, most important topics and sections of the psychology of creativity. On the basis of an active form of learning, the technologies of development of a scientist's own creative potential and independent performance of creative, inventive activity are assimilated.
Independent work is planned as a form of study aimed at assisting in the study of the proposed literature, in search of answers to problematic questions of the course, mastering the practical tasks of the course. This form of work is essential for students.