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Planning and Design of Multiservice Platforms
Спеціальність: Telecommunications and Radio Engineering
Код дисципліни: 8.172.00.M.28
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Telecommunication
D.Sc, Professor Klymash Mykhailo Mykolayovych
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
- To conduct a system analysis of multiservice networks and justify the choice of methods for transmitting their information flows;
- To apply knowledge of fundamental and natural sciences, system analysis and modeling technologies, standard algorithms and discrete analysis when solving design tasks;
- To argue the choice of software and technical tools to ensure optimal operation of multi-service platforms based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics taking into account system requirements and operating conditions;
- Demonstrate knowledge of the modern level of multiservice network structure and technologies, practical skills in using active and passive network equipment, network protocols of different OSI model levels.
- To apply knowledge of fundamental and natural sciences, system analysis and modeling technologies, standard algorithms and discrete analysis when solving design tasks;
- To argue the choice of software and technical tools to ensure optimal operation of multi-service platforms based on the analysis of their properties, purpose and technical characteristics taking into account system requirements and operating conditions;
- Demonstrate knowledge of the modern level of multiservice network structure and technologies, practical skills in using active and passive network equipment, network protocols of different OSI model levels.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Algorithms modeling technology of information systems functioning
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
Development of a multi-service platform consists of three stages: analysis, design and implementation, as a result of iterative execution of which there is a step-by-step "building up" of the system. During the analysis and design stages, the architecture of the future platform is built. The architecture of the software of a system or a set of systems consists of all important design decisions concerning program structures and interactions between these structures which make up systems. Design decisions provide a desirable set of properties which the system should support to meet the requirements of the customer and to function effectively. Having studied the training material of this course, post-graduate students will supplement their knowledge about existing today's architecture and constituent elements of multi-service platforms; they will learn to use modern software tools to create effective multi-service platforms by various criteria.
Рекомендована література:
1. Sergeev, V.I. Logistics: information systems and technologies: practical training manual / V.I. Sergeev, M.N. Grigoriev, S.A. Uvarov. - Moscow: Alpha-Press, 2008. - 608 p.
2. Basics of information systems: training manual. - Izd. 2-e, pererabot. i dop. / V.F. Sytnik, T.A. Pisarevska, N.V. Eremina, A.S. Kraevaya; Edited by V.V. Grigoriev. F. Sytnik. - Moscow: Finances, 2001. - 420 p.
3. Larman K. Application of UML and Design Templates: Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Teaching Manual: Per. from English - M.: Williams, 2001. - 496 p.
4. Karpov L.E. Architecture of Distributed Software Systems / L.E. Karpov. - Moscow: MAKS Press, 2007. - 130 p.
5. Modern information systems and technologies: textbook for the self-study and practical classes with account of the discipline (in Russian) / edited by V.G. Ivanov, S.M. Ivanov, V.V. Karasyuk et al. - M .: National Law University named after V.G. Ivanov, S.M. Ivanov, V.V. Karasyuk, etc. Yaroslav the Wise, 2014. - 151 p.
6. Vorobienko, P.P.; Nikityuk, L.A.; Reznichenko, P.I. Telecommunication and information networks. - Kiev, 2010. - 706 p.
7. Rudenkov N.A., Doliner L.I. Basics of network technologies, Ekaterinburg, 2011. - 377 p.
2. Basics of information systems: training manual. - Izd. 2-e, pererabot. i dop. / V.F. Sytnik, T.A. Pisarevska, N.V. Eremina, A.S. Kraevaya; Edited by V.V. Grigoriev. F. Sytnik. - Moscow: Finances, 2001. - 420 p.
3. Larman K. Application of UML and Design Templates: Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design: A Teaching Manual: Per. from English - M.: Williams, 2001. - 496 p.
4. Karpov L.E. Architecture of Distributed Software Systems / L.E. Karpov. - Moscow: MAKS Press, 2007. - 130 p.
5. Modern information systems and technologies: textbook for the self-study and practical classes with account of the discipline (in Russian) / edited by V.G. Ivanov, S.M. Ivanov, V.V. Karasyuk et al. - M .: National Law University named after V.G. Ivanov, S.M. Ivanov, V.V. Karasyuk, etc. Yaroslav the Wise, 2014. - 151 p.
6. Vorobienko, P.P.; Nikityuk, L.A.; Reznichenko, P.I. Telecommunication and information networks. - Kiev, 2010. - 706 p.
7. Rudenkov N.A., Doliner L.I. Basics of network technologies, Ekaterinburg, 2011. - 377 p.
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Current control - 40%
Written Component - 50%
Oral component - 10%
Written Component - 50%
Oral component - 10%