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Light and Colour in Design of Environment
Спеціальність: Architectural environment design
Код дисципліни: 7.191.03.E.47
Кількість кредитів: 3
Кафедра: Architectural Environment Design
Лектор: Ph.D., Docent Myroslav Yatsiv.
Семестр: 1 семестр
Форма навчання: денна
Результати навчання:
Detailed study of basic methods, principles and means of formation of light-colored environment of public buildings and structures and urban territories by modern means of light design and polychrome.
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
1. History of Architecture;
2. Typology of Public Buildings and Structures;
3. Architectural Physics;
4. Architectural color Studies;
5. History of Modern Architecture.
2. Typology of Public Buildings and Structures;
3. Architectural Physics;
4. Architectural color Studies;
5. History of Modern Architecture.
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The main provisions of the discipline: worldview symbolism of light and color in architecture; the human factor and the functions of light in architecture; principles of organization of light-colored environment of the main types of public buildings; light color design of urban environment.
Рекомендована література:
1. Araukho I. Arkhitekturnaya kompozicziya. [La forma arguitectonica1] – M.: Vy`sshaya shkola, 1982. – 208s. [in Russian].
2. Agoston G. Teorija cveta i ejo primenenie v iskusstve i dizajne.[Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design]. – M.: Mir, 1982. – 184s. [In Russian].
3. Gusev N. M., Makarevich V.G. Svetovaya arkhitektura. [Light architecture]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1973. – 248s. [in Russian].
4. Zokolej S. V. Arkhitekturnoe proektirovanie, e`kspluatacziya ob`ektov, ikh svyaz` s okruzhayushhej sredoj. [Environmental Science Handbook for Architects and Builders]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1984. – 671s. [in Russian].
5. Kazakov H. V. Suchasna svitlova arkhitektura. Pidruchnyk. [Modern light architecture]. – L.: Rastr – 7, 2010. – 620s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Terence Conran. O cvete [Оn Color]. – М.: KoLibri, 2018. – 224s. [in Russian].
7. Keler V., Lukkhard V. Svet v arkhitekture. [Licht architektur. Licht und Farbe, als raumgestaltende Elemente]. – M., Gosstrojizdat, 1961. – 182s. [in Russian].
8. Kravecz V. J. Koloristicheskoe formoobrazovanie v arkhitekture. [Coloristic shaping in architecture]– Kh.: Vishha shkola, 1987. – 132s. [in Russian].
9. Shhepetkov N.I. Svetovoj dizajn goroda: uchebn. posob. . [City light design ]. – M.: Arkhitektura – S, 2006. – 320s. [in Russian].
2. Agoston G. Teorija cveta i ejo primenenie v iskusstve i dizajne.[Color Theory and Its Application in Art and Design]. – M.: Mir, 1982. – 184s. [In Russian].
3. Gusev N. M., Makarevich V.G. Svetovaya arkhitektura. [Light architecture]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1973. – 248s. [in Russian].
4. Zokolej S. V. Arkhitekturnoe proektirovanie, e`kspluatacziya ob`ektov, ikh svyaz` s okruzhayushhej sredoj. [Environmental Science Handbook for Architects and Builders]. – M.: Strojizdat, 1984. – 671s. [in Russian].
5. Kazakov H. V. Suchasna svitlova arkhitektura. Pidruchnyk. [Modern light architecture]. – L.: Rastr – 7, 2010. – 620s. [in Ukrainian].
6. Terence Conran. O cvete [Оn Color]. – М.: KoLibri, 2018. – 224s. [in Russian].
7. Keler V., Lukkhard V. Svet v arkhitekture. [Licht architektur. Licht und Farbe, als raumgestaltende Elemente]. – M., Gosstrojizdat, 1961. – 182s. [in Russian].
8. Kravecz V. J. Koloristicheskoe formoobrazovanie v arkhitekture. [Coloristic shaping in architecture]– Kh.: Vishha shkola, 1987. – 132s. [in Russian].
9. Shhepetkov N.I. Svetovoj dizajn goroda: uchebn. posob. . [City light design ]. – M.: Arkhitektura – S, 2006. – 320s. [in Russian].
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Examination. Written component – 90p; Oral component – 10p. Together for discipline – 100p.