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Legal Basis of Communication with Authorities

Спеціальність: Information, library and archival studies
Код дисципліни: 6.029.00.M.40
Кількість кредитів: 4
Лектор: Sorochkin Oleh
Семестр: 4 семестр
Форма навчання: заочна
Результати навчання:
"Following the completion of the module the student should know: procedure for filing of appeals, requests for information, applications for administrative services and of permits in economic activity; the timing of consideration of citizens; requests for information, applications for administrative services and of permits in economic activity; the rights of individuals and entities in the presentation and consideration of applications and complaints, information requests, applications for administrative services and of permits in economic activity; responsibilities of the authorities when considering applications and complaints; requirements for the order of scheduled and unscheduled activities of state supervision (control) of economic activity. To be able to provide advice on the procedure for applying for administrative services and of permits in economic activity; make citizens' appeals and requests for information. "
Необхідні обов'язкові попередні та супутні навчальні дисципліни:
Fundamentals of modern office work,
organization of the state apparatus of Ukraine
Короткий зміст навчальної програми:
The procedure for the submission and consideration of citizens. Legal basis of communication with the authorities for the provision of administrative services and permits in economic activity. Legal basis of communication with the authorities in the area of access to public information. Legal basis of communication with state supervision (control) in the event of state supervision (control) of economic activity and law enforcement agencies. Communication with the authorities by means of special status.
Рекомендована література:
"The rights of citizens in the executive branch, the administrative and legal framework for the implementation and protection / [V.B. Averyanov, M.A. Boyarintsev, I.A. Kresina, D.M. Lukyanets and others.] For gen. ed. V.B. Averyanova. - K.: Science. opinion, 2007 - p. 586. Methods to resolve public disputes with authorities / Practical Guide / Salo L.B., Senyuta I.J., Khliborob N.E., Shkolyk A. M .. - Drohobych, Kolo, 2009. - 112 p. Tatsyshyn I.B. Legal regulation of access to public information [electronic resource] - Access: http: // www. gisap. eu / ru / pravove-regulyuvannya-dostupu-do-publichnoyi-informatsiyi. The centers of administrative services: the creation and organization of activities: a practical guide / Under society. Ed. Tymuschoka V.P. - Kyiv, SPD Moskalenklo A., 2010. - 440 p. Administrative Services: User / [V. Tymoshchuk]; Swiss-of Ukrainian project "Decentralization Support in Ukraine - DESPRO». - K LLC "Sofia-A». - 2012. - 104 p"
Методи і критерії оцінювання:
Instant control - 40 points,
credit 60 points