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Traditions and Innovation in the Development of European Culture

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.O.5
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Sc.D., Prof. Linda S. M.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The study of academic discipline provides for the formation and progress of such skills in PHd students:
• analytical competencies (the ability to analyze source data and critical thinking, the ability to search and use information from various types of sources)
• creative thinking;
• understanding of the cause-effect relationships of evolutionary changes in society and the ability to analyze the processes and accompanying events;
• an idea of ontological, temporal, formal, and semantic aspects in the opposition “tradition-innovation” in architecture;
• the ability to analyze the artistic architectural form from the aspect of tradition and innovation;
• understanding of binary opposition and philosophical interpretation of the opposition “tradition-innovation”.
It is expected that the PhD student will be able to use the acquired knowledge when writing a dissertation and in further research work.
Required prior and related subjects:
previous: Philosophy; History of World Architecture; Modern Architectural Theories and Doctrines
related: Philosophy and Methodology of Science; Futuristic Ideas in the Field of Architecture, Urban Planning, Art and Design
Summary of the subject:
The aim of the study of the discipline "Traditions and Innovation in the Development of European Culture" is to form a scientific outlook of PhD students and familiarize them with the concept of binary opposition of "tradition-innovation" and the evolutionary and revolutionary changes in the development of architecture and culture; provide basic knowledge of the problem of the formation of a holistic theory of style in architecture and duality of the world as the basis for the development of nature and culture.
Recommended Books:
1. Cherkes B.S. Natsionalna identychnist v arkhitekturi mista: monohrafiya. – Lviv: NU “Lvivska politehnika”, 2008. – 268 s.
2. Cherkes B.S., Linda S. M. Arhitektura suchasnosti. Ostannia tretyna XX- pochatok XXI stolit: navch.posibnyk. – Lviv: NU “Lvivska politehnika”, 2010. – 384 s.
3. Pelipenko A. A. Dualisticheskaya revolyutsiya i smyslogenez v kul'ture – M.: Knizhnyy dom «LIBROKOM», 2011. – 384 s.
4. Urmantsev Y. A. Evolyutsionika ili obshchaya teoriya razvitiya sistem prirody, obshchestva i myshleniya – Pushchino: ONTI NTSBI AN SSSR, 1988. – 79 s.
5. Frampton K. Modern Architecture: A Critical History (World of Art) – London: Thames & Hudson, Fourth Edition, 2007 – 424 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
Current control (60%): Individual academic research task
Final control (40%): exam