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Semiotics in the Design Culture

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.M.30
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: D.Ph Kramarchuk Khrystyna Petrivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
As a result of studies, the graduate student should be able to translate the empirical level of knowledge into the conceptual and terminological structure of the science of semiology. Use semiotic methods of analysis to identify the semantics, syntax and pragmatics of architectural objects. Be able to identify or form code (sign systems) and ideologies of the architectural environment.
Required prior and related subjects:
prerequisites: Traditions and innovation in the development of European culture (8.191.00.O.5)
co-requisites: Ethno-cultural traditions in contemporary design (8.191.00.M.30),Visual culture of modern design (8.022.00.M.26)
Summary of the subject:
1.Entroduction to the course. The difference between the concepts of semiology and semiotics. Semiotics as a science of sign systems. Sections of semiotics: syntax, semantics, pragmatics. The notion of meaning. 2. The sign as a medium of information. Classical triadic structure of the sign and other n-element structures of sign . Characteristic of the architectural sign. Classification of the signs by Ch. Pierce. The difference between a symbol and a sign. 3. Architecture as a form of mass communication. Denotations and connotations in architecture (primary and secondary functions). The function of Architectural messages. The concept of morphogenesis. A meaning-genetic approach in symbol disclosure. Laws of formation of symbolic reality. 4.The notion of code and language. Classification of architectural codes. The notion of code-idiolect. Code, lexicon, rhetorical lexicon in architecture. 5. The concept of semiosis.Levels of analysis of architectural texts. Articulation of visual codes. 6. Objectification of archetype and kenotype in architecture. 7. Semiotic principles and patterns. The role of gestalt and structures in the construction of metaphor. Method of metonymy. 8. Classification semiotics (by U. Eko)
Recommended Books:
1.Dili D. The basics of semiotics / Transl. from English. and science. ed. A. Karas. - Lviv: Arsenal, 2000. - 232 p.
2. U. Eco “The Missing Structure. Introduction to Semiology. - TK Petropolis LLP, 1998. - 432 p.
3. Shelestyuk EV Semiotics: Textbook. allowance. Chelyabinsk: Chelyabinsk. state. Univ., 2006 - 147 p.
4. Semiotics and the language of architecture: Sat. scientific works. (All-Union Research Institute of Theory of Architecture and Urban Planning), ed. EI Russian - M., 1991 - 180s.
5. Pierce C.S. Principles of philosophy. In 2 volumes / C-P. Philosophical Society. Metaphysical Research Laboratory, 2001.
6.The language of postmodern architecture / Jenks Ch .; Translated from English by AV Ryabushin, MV Uvarova; Edited by AV Ryabushin, VL Hayt. - Москва: Стройиздат, 1985. - 136 с., Ил. - Перевод издания: The Language of Post-Modern Architecture / Charles A. Jencks. - Rizzoli
7. Kramarchuk Kh.P. Visualization of abstract meanings. Lecture notes for students of the Institute of Architecture / Kh. Kramarchuk, R.Ya. Galishich.- Lviv: Publishing House of Lviv Polytechnic, 2019.-68s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
During the semester, the student can gain up to 40 points for the current control by completing practical tasks. There are a maximum of 60 points on the exam. To be admitted to the exam, a student must score at least 20 points for current control. The exam in the subject "Historical paradigms and modern theories in architecture and design" is conducted in written-oral form (50 points for testing and 10 points oral examination). The student receives a maximum of 50 points for the correct answers to 10 test questions.
10 points in the oral poll are evaluated as follows:
8 -10 points - "excellent" answer;
7 - 6 points - "good" answer;
5 - 4 points - “satisfactory” answer;
0 - 3 points is an "unsatisfactory" answer.