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Historical Paradigms and Modern Theories in Architecture and Design

Major: Design
Code of Subject: 8.022.00.M.27
Credits: 3
Department: Design and Architecture Fundamentals
Lecturer: Kramarchyk Khrystyna Petrivna
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
The graduate student learns basic knowledge of established paradigms in theories and metatheories in architecture and design, find out about the factors and reasons for changing paradigms. The main focus is on a multidisciplinary approach to teaching, so the student is introduced to the paradigms involved for the arts in sciences of anthropology, psychology, semiotics, sociology, synergetics, philosophy. IIn the course of the study of the discipline, you can learn a high degree of structured knowledge of classical, non-classical and post-classical paradigms and use them as a methodological tool for studying the objects of architecture and design.
The practical course also involves to teach of the graduate student to transfer their knowledge to a higher level of abstraction.
Required prior and related subjects:
Traditions and Innovation in the Development of European Culture (8.022.00.O.5) 1 semester
Urban Models and Urban Design (8.191.00.O.6) 1 semester
Semiotics in Project Culture (8.022.00.M.32) 4 semester
Summary of the subject:
1. The concept of paradigm as a universal conceptual structure. Classical, non-classical, post-classical scientific paradigms in architecture. 2. The paradigm of the feminine beginnings of being in primitive and old time arts and its transformation in models of forms and time-space to the present. Models of the wholely organism. 3. Historical outlook and time-space paradigms in architecture and design. Real and "conceptual time space". Utopias in architecture. 4. Components of the categorical paradigm of poetics of architecture and design. New Poetics. The concept of antipoetics of deconstructivism 5. Semiotic paradigm in architecture and design. Types of architectural codes. 6. Cartesian doctrine and paradigm of static architecture. Leibniz's worldview paradigm and dynamic architecture (mannerism, baroque, computer baroque). 7. Development of paradigm of nonlinear architecture. Organismal theory. 8. New alternative architectural poetics. Extension of the paradigm of formation the form. The anthropic principle.
Recommended Books:
1. From postmodernism to non-linear architecture: Architecture in the context of modern philosophy / I. A. Dobritsyna. - Moscow: Progress-Tradition, 2004 .-- 416 p., Ill.
2. A. A. Puchkov. The poetics of ancient architecture. - Kiev: Phoenix, 2008 .-- 992 p.:
3. The humanitarian complex of architecture. To the question of humanitarian studies in architecture: Monograph / Under the general ed. Of the architect S.A.Shubovich.-Kharkov: KhNAGH, 2005.-311с.
4. Ikonnikov A.V. Utopian thinking and architecture - M .: Publishing house "Architecture-S", 2004.- 400с.
5. Wuek J. Myths and utopias of architecture of the twentieth century / Transl. of M.V. Predtechenskogo; Ed. V.L. Glazycheva.- M .: Stroyizdat, 1990.- 286 p.
6.8 A.A. Pelypenko, I.G. Yakovenko. Culture as a system. M.: Publishing House "Languages of Russian Culture", 1998. - 376 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
During the semester, the student can gain up to 40 points for the current control by completing practical tasks. There are a maximum of 60 points on the exam. To be admitted to the exam, a student must score at least 20 points for current control. The exam in the subject "Historical paradigms and modern theories in architecture and design" is conducted in written-oral form (50 points for testing and 10 points oral examination). The student receives a maximum of 50 points for the correct answers to 10 test questions.
10 points in the oral poll are evaluated as follows:
8 -10 points - "excellent" answer;
7 - 6 points - "good" answer;
5 - 4 points - “satisfactory” answer;
0 - 3 points is an "unsatisfactory" answer.