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Computer Lexicographic Technologies

Major: Philology
Code of Subject: 8.035.00.O.23
Credits: 4
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: Associate professor Kulchytskyi Ihor Markiianovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
knowledge of: basic concepts of lexicographic systems information and structural theory; methodology of building information models of dictionaries of main types; methods of such models realization by means of modern DBMS.
ability to: build information models of different types of dictionaries; implement these models on computers in a modern database environment.
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerequisite: philosophy and methodology of science
• supplementary: corpus linguistic technology; automation of linguistic research
Summary of the subject:
The discipline comprises the following topics: theoretical and practical lexicography, terminology of lexicography, status of lexicography, structure and origins of lexicography; traditions of lexicography; definition of vocabulary, macro-, medio- and microstructure, dictionary typology, generalized notion of lexicographic parameters; basic elements of informational theory of lexicographic systems, a formal modelling of lexicographic structures, transition of lexicographic structures on a conceptual model of the data base, generation of lexicographic information systems.
Recommended Books:
1. Syndi I. Lendau Slovnyky: mystectvo ta remeslo leksykoghrafiji / Per. z anghl. — K.: K. I. S., 2012.— 480 s.
2. Shyrokov V. A. Elementy leksykoghrafiji. — K. : Dovira, 2005. — 304 s.
3. Kulchytskyi І. М. Kompiuterno-tekhnolohichni aspekty stvorennia suchasnykh leksykohrafichnykh system. – K.: NBU im. V.I. Vernadskoho, 2002.— 59 p.
4. Zgusta L. Manual of Lexicography.— Acadevia, 1971.— 366 p.
5. Kubajchuk Viktor. Khronologhija movnykh podij v Ukrajini: zovnishnja istorija ukrajinsjkoji movy IX–XX st. — K. «K.I.S.», 2020. — 192 c.
6. Kuljchycjka T. Ukrajinsjka leksykoghrafija: biblioghrafichnyj pokazhchyk. - Ljviv: Naukova biblioteka im. V. Stefanyka, 1999. - 359 s.
7. Demsjka, Orysja Vstup do leksykoghrafiji. - K.: Vyd. dim «Kyjevo-Moghyljansjka akademija», 2010. - 266 s.
8. Dubichynskyi V.V. Ukrainska leksykohrafiia: istoriia, suchasnist ta kompiuterni tekhnolohii: Navchalnyi posibnyk. – Khakiv: NTU „KHPI”, 2004.– 203 p.
9. Villett E., Kammings S. Office XP. Bibliia polzovatelia. – M: Izd. Dom “Viliams”, 2002. – 848 p.
10. Deit K. Vviedenie v sistemy baz dannykh, 7-e izd. – M.: Izd. Dom “Viliams”, 2001.– 1072 p.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (40%): laboratory work reports in a written form and oral check (40%);
• final control (60% exam): written answers and oral check (60%)