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Corpus Linguistic Technologies

Major: Philology
Code of Subject: 8.035.00.O.24
Credits: 3
Department: Applied Linguistics
Lecturer: Associate professor Kulchytskyi Ihor Markiianovych
Semester: 4 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
knowledge of: history and formation of corpus linguistics as scientific method and approach; main problems and tasks that are solved by corpus linguistics; main research strategies.
be able to: study speech activity of native speakers; describe new phenomena and processes at current stage of language development in other communities; apply modern technologies for collecting, processing and interpreting the obtained experimental data; analyze language based on corpus data.
Required prior and related subjects:
• prerequisite: philosophy and methodology of science, analytical and quantitative research methods.
• supplementary: theory and methodology of applied linguistics in diachrony and synchrony, automation of linguistic studies.
Summary of the subject:
The discipline comprises the following topics: the phenomenon of "formalization" and the concept of "formalized theory" both in theoretical linguistics and in terms of their philosophical interpretation; modeling as the means of formal analysis; “models” in linguistics and description of their main types; principles of text structure modeling for information structures that are suitable for computer-aided processing; modern methods of explication of implicit lingually competent information of texts; problems that arise in the process of formalizing lingual information during linguistic studies; methods of constructing formal information models; history of origin and development of corpus technologies; state of the art of corpus linguistics in the world and in Ukraine; stages of creating corpora of texts, their classification; standards used in corpus linguistics.
Recommended Books:
1. Douglas Biber and Randi Reppen (eds.). The Cambridge handbook of English corpus linguistics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 639 pp.
2. McEnery Tony, Wilson Andrew. Corpus Linguistics: An Introduction, 2nd edition. — Edinburgh University Press, 2001. — 235 pages.
3. Shyrokov, V. A., Bughakov, O. V, Ghrjaznukhina, T. O., Kostyshyn, O. M., Kryghin, M. Ju.: Korpusna linghvistyka. Dovira, Kyjiv 2005.
4. Zhukovsjka V. V. Vstup do korpusnoji linghvistyky: navchaljnyj posibnyk / V. V. Zhukovsjka – Zhytomyr: Vyd-vo ZhDU im. I. Franka, 2013. – 142 s.
5. Karpilovsjka Je. A. Vstup do komp'juternoji linghvistyky. - Doneck: Jugho-Vostok, 2003. - 183 s.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control (40%): laboratory work reports in a written form and oral check (40%);
• final control (60% exam): written answers and oral check (60%)