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Major: Business, trade and exchange activities
Code of Subject: 8.076.00.O.3
Credits: 4
Department: Ecological Politics and Environment Protection Management
Lecturer: Doctor of Economics, prof. Kniaz S.V.
Semester: 1 семестр
Mode of Study: заочна
Learning outcomes:
- the ability to demonstrate in-depth knowledge of the historical and contemporary
conceptual-methodological and methodological foundations for activating creative thinking;
- the ability to choose and apply the methodology and tools of scientific
research in the application of heuristic methods for the adoption of rational
an innovative solution;
- the ability to evaluate the marketability of a creative idea on the basis of application
provisions of the theory of search problem solving;
- the ability to choose and combine different types of activation of creative thinking and
manage creative teams to come up with ideas that turn them into
ready-made solutions, including commercially available products
Required prior and related subjects:
Philosophy and methodology of science. Analytical and numerical research methods. Psychology of creativity and invention. Management of scientific projects. Management of the enterprise on the basis of heuristics
Summary of the subject:
The essence of the concept of "heuristics", the history of heuristics. Types of heuristic methods (in terms of applicability; in the design stage; in the presence of the preference criterion; in the orientation; in the degree of algorithmization). Heuristic management functions (creative management; innovative management; venture management). Heuristic methods of activating creative thinking. Meta-heuristics or stochastic optimization; heuristic models; the theory of solving scientific problems
Recommended Books:
1. Guidelines for the implementation of test work in the discipline of "Heuristics" for students of the III level of higher education of all forms of education / Ukl .: Knyaz SV - Lviv, 2016. - 12 p.
2. Guidelines for the implementation of practical training in the discipline of "Heuristics" for students of the III level of higher education of all forms of education / Ukl .: Knyaz SV - Lviv, 2016. - 20 p.
3. Methodical instructions for independent study of the discipline "Heuristics" / Inc .: Prince SV - Lviv, 2016. - 33 p.
4. Stolyarov AM Heuristic techniques and methods of activation of creative thinking. - M .: VNIIPI, 1988.
5. NN Latypov, SV Yolkin, DA Gavrilov. Engineering Heuristics / Ed. A.A. Wasserman. - M .: Astrel, 2012. - 320 p
Assessment methods and criteria:
The final control is based on the results of the current control (30 points) and
examination work (70 points).