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Measurement and Information technologies in Environmental Management
Major: Environmental Studies
Code of Subject: 8.101.00.M.17
Credits: 3
Department: Ecology and Sustainable Environmental Management
Lecturer: Doctor of science, Associate professor Sabadash Vira
Semester: 3 семестр
Mode of Study: денна
Learning outcomes:
• understanding of the theoretical foundations underlying the environmental research methods, information support and methodology for conducting field and camera studies;
• ability to process monitoring results, research and analysis of dependencies, build forecasts;
• ability to select and use ready-made software tools (mathematical software packages) for analytical, graphical, numerical solving of mathematical problems, which are models of phenomena and processes in complex dynamic ecological and environmental systems.
• ability to process monitoring results, research and analysis of dependencies, build forecasts;
• ability to select and use ready-made software tools (mathematical software packages) for analytical, graphical, numerical solving of mathematical problems, which are models of phenomena and processes in complex dynamic ecological and environmental systems.
Required prior and related subjects:
• Fundamentals of environmental biotechnology;
• Scientific basics of simulations and prognostification of the environment.
• Scientific basics of simulations and prognostification of the environment.
Summary of the subject:
Introduction to Information Technology. The concept of information systems (IS), their classification. Content and phases of information and measurement technologies. The concept of information-measuring systems (IMS), their purpose, generalized block diagram. The main types of information measuring systems. The principles of measurement systems. The technology of synthesis of geoinformation monitoring. GIS. Trends in global information systems. Database Management Systems. Universal information-measuring system for environmental monitoring.
Recommended Books:
1. Посудін Ю.І. Практикум з методів вимірювання параметрів навколишнього середовища/ Посудін Ю.І. К.: ЗАТ «НІЧЛАВА», 2007. - 226 с.
2. Посудін Ю.І. Біофізика і методи аналізу навколишнього середовища/ Посудін Ю.І.К.: 2011. -296 c.
3. Методи вимірювання параметрів навколишнього середовища/ Масікевич Ю.Г., Гринь С.О., Герецун Г.М. та ін. Чернівці, Зелена Буковина, 2005. - 341 с.
2. Посудін Ю.І. Біофізика і методи аналізу навколишнього середовища/ Посудін Ю.І.К.: 2011. -296 c.
3. Методи вимірювання параметрів навколишнього середовища/ Масікевич Ю.Г., Гринь С.О., Герецун Г.М. та ін. Чернівці, Зелена Буковина, 2005. - 341 с.
Assessment methods and criteria:
• current control, oral examination (40%)
• final control (control measure, exam): written, oral form (60%)
• final control (control measure, exam): written, oral form (60%)